Chapter 2: Truth or Dare

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Four's POV:

Tris and I walk to the living room and I look around.

Great, Cara stayed.

"Um. Excuse me?" Cara says.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I ask, and everyone nods.

"So, why'd you say that?" Cara asks, like she's better than me.

"Because, you're a ho, and I'm breaking up with you," I say sternly.

She makes an angry sound and leaves. Ha! Who's better now, Cara? Yah skank!

"Okay, since that's over. Time for truth or dare! And the penalty is you have to take off a piece of clothing!" Zeke exclaims, "I'll go first!"

"Four, truth or dare?" Zeke asks.

"Dare," I say.

"Kiss Tris... Hey, that rhymed!" Zeke says, stupidly.

I look at Tris, and she shrugs. I give her a quick peck on the lips and then say, "Okay, Uriah, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He says, acting like a girl.

"I dare you to make out with Zeke. Right here, right now." I say, trying not to laugh.

"Come here baby!" Uriah acts and then says, "Just kidding! That's disgusting!" So he takes his hoodie off. We all laugh at him.

I'm not really paying attention, but then Christina says, "Tris, truth or dare?" And I'm paying full attention. Wait, why do I care when she says her name. I don't like her... Do I?

"Truth." Tris says.

"PANSY-" Uriah starts to yell, but I slap him and cut him off. He rubs his face, and he groans, "Ouch."

"Okay, do you like Four?" She asks, wriggling her eyebrows.

Tris starts to blush and says, "As a friend, yes."

"I meant as a boyfriend!" Chris exclaims.

"Can't change it now!" Tris says back smirking.

"Four. T or D?" Tris asks me.

"Dare," I say plainly.

"Play 7 minutes of heaven with your crush or just someone." She says.

"My crush isn't here though," I say. Crap... What if Tris likes me?

"Oh, well I said at least someone. Unless you wanna strip." She says.

Then everyone starts chanting, "TRIS, TRIS, TRIS!" We both start to blush and I look at her, and she looks at me.(A/N: lol) I look at her and shrug. She gets up, awkwardly, and she follows me to the closet.

When we come out, everyone is cheering. What the heck? I look at Tris, and her hair is messed up. Her lipstick is all smeared, too. I wonder how I look....... I don't even wanna know.

"Okay, last one?" I question and everyone nods. "Well, since Chris wasn't exact, truth or dare, Tris?"

"Dare! Now you can't ask me," She snickers.

"Okay," I smirk, "I dare you to tell me if you like me as a boyfriend."

"Crap," She mumbles and looks at her phone, "Oh-uh, guys I gotta go!"

She starts to get up, and I grab her wrist. "What's your answer?" I ask.

"Come on Tris, it's obvious!" Christina exclaims.

"Fine! Yes, I have a crush on you. Happy now?" Her face turns red, and she runs out, frustrated. I get up and follow her, and everyone "oooohs" as I tell them to shut up. I start to walk after Tris again.

She's standing against her car and looks upset.

"Hey," I say.

"Why'd you have to do that?" She snaps.

"I was curious," I say.

"Yeah, whatever. You embarrassed me!" She yells and bursts into tears.

"Why are you embarrassed? They're your friends. It's okay," I exclaim.

"Whatever," She says and gets into her Mustang, and I get into the passenger seat.

"Please, just leave me alone! I know you don't like me so just get out and leave, please!" She shouts.

"Woah, chill out. I never said I didn't like you," I say, putting my hands up in mock defense.

"Yeah, well I know you like the hot girls so just get out. Please." She says, crying.

I open the door and get out, but before I shut the door, I say, "Tris. You are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you other wise."

Then I shut the door and watch her drive away.

A/N: Hey guys! How'd you like it? And trust me next chapter is going to be really good!
Comment what you think!
I love yall!❤️

a/n from 7/18/16: lol a lot of the first chaps i wrote are so dramatic😂 even the a/n is just sad, "the next chapter is going to be really good!" haha no & so many exclamation points yeesh

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