Chapter 41: New Phone

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Tris' POV:

I wake up in my comfy bed and stretch. I look around my room and sigh while remembering what happened last night.

Tobias was being a complete jerk, and I'm really pissed off about it. I get up and go to the bathroom. I need to buy a new phone, so I guess I'm doing that today.

I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the table.

Here is some money for a new phone. You can either get a new one or just get it fixed. It doesn't really matter. I have to buy a new phone, so that's what I'm doing right now. I didn't think you'd want to see me because of last night so I already left. Take the money, because I'm the reason that your phone is broken. Sorry! And the keys to the Jeep are hanging on the key rack. Take the jeep. I love you and see you later.

Yay! I get to drive the Jeep. I don't want to just take Tobias' money though. He'll be mad at me if I don't at the same time.

I sigh and take the money and grab the keys. I go get in the Jeep and begin driving to the Apple Store.

When I get there I go inside and look at the IPhone 6. I had a 4 at first, so it's time for an update. I get the gold 6 or as some people call it champagne gold.

I buy that phone and buy a case too. My case is a Defender Otter Box, and it's dark blue and light blue.

I leave the store and decide to go to Starbucks. I get a Cotton Candy Frappuccino and start driving back home.

When I get back I notice that Tobias is here now. I walk inside and see Tobias sitting on the couch, watching TV.

He looks up at me and looks back at the TV. I lock the door and walk behind the couch.

"Here's the left over money... Thanks," I say.

"Just keep it," he says, showing no emotion.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes Tris, I'm sure," he says, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry for asking if you wanted your money back," I say and see him roll his eyes.

"Tobias, look. Sorry for last night, but whenever you call a girl emotional and bipolar it hurts their feelings. Just want to get that point across," I say.

"Well whenever you call a guy a jerk, do you think it hurts their feelings?" he says, rudely.

"Not when they are being a jerk," I say.

"Exactly. And if I was a jerk and you called me one, then it's okay to call you that because that's how you are. Stop getting so mad, because you have no room to talk," he says.

"You know what? I'm just going to go. I don't know where but whatever," I say.

"Are you going to walk?" he asks.

"Um... No," I say.

"Then how are you getting somewhere?" he asks.

"You seriously won't let me borrow your car?" I ask.

"No. Not when you might steal it," he says.

"Excuse me? I am a lot of things, but a thief is not one so you can just stop being a jerk again Four!" I say, and I don't care if I call him a jerk.

"At least I'm not a bipolar little cry baby," he says. "Leave me alone. I'm trying to watch TV."

"So if you had to choose the TV or me, what would it be?" I ask.

"Well right now it would be the TV, so go away. Take the truck in the back yard if you're leaving. I don't care about that thing."

"It's nice to know that you care about me Tobias," a tear slips down my face as I say that.

"Tris. This is what I mean by emotional," he says.

"Tobias! Do you want to know why I'm emotional?" I ask, yelling.

"Why Tris?" he asks.

"Because of you! I was fine earlier, but you act like you don't even care about me! You've changed since two years ago! I loved you so much, and I still do, but you just keep on breaking my heart by acting like you don't care!" I yell at him. I'm crying a lot now. I have no clue why he is acting like this, but I don't know what to do.

He gets up from the couch and walks over to me. "Just shut up and leave! You are so annoying! I hate you Tris! I never loved you!"

"What?" I whisper.

"You heard me. Now leave," he says, sternly.

"Tobias, you aren't being yourself..." I say, still crying.

"Oh my gosh lady!" he exclaims and slaps me. I gasp and hold my cheek. I look at him and shake my head, "What is wrong with you?!" I yell.

"Babe, what's going on?" I hear someone say, and I turn to see Christina walk out of Tobias' room.

"Nothing," he says and walks over to her.

"Why is she here? Are you seeing her again?" she asks.

"Yes!" I say while Tobias says, "No."

He looks over to me and glares.

"What is going on?" I ask while tears are streaming down my face. My face is still stinging from him slapping me. Tobias would never slap me or leave me for her.

"Hey babe. How are you?" Tobias says to Christina. He cups her face with his hands, and she puts her arms around his neck.

"Good. We just need to get rid of that nasty skank." Christina says, and Tobias chuckles.

He leans down and kisses her, slowly. I turn away, because I hate the sight.

"Wait Toby," she giggles. "We have to figure out something to do with her."

Toby? She calls Tobias, Toby?

"Oh. Sorry you didn't know Tris. I told you that Tobias was cheating on you, because he was. And he still is. He's dating me. We wanted to get rid of you, but of course you had to come back," she says and starts kissing Tobias again.

"What's going on? Tobias this isn't you! You'd never leave me or treat me like this!" I exclaim.

"Oh but I am," he smirks and then I feel a sharp pain to my head and everything is black.

A/N: sorry for that cliffhanger! Are you confused? I'd be if I were you! Lol! I'll be updating again today so don't worry! The picture for this chapter is the case Tris got btw. I have that case except my phone is white so that picture isn't exactly my phone lol! Bye guys!

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May 19, 2015

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