Chapter 30: "Bestfriend"

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Tobias' POV:

It's silent until I clear my throat, "Why are you getting so mad?"

"Why am I getting mad? You're seriously asking me that," she says. I can see hurt in her eyes. Why would that question hurt her?

I get up from the booth and walk towards her. Everyone doesn't have to hear about all of this. I grab her wrist and lead her out the back door.

We go outside and she pulls her arm away from me and walks farther away from me.

I just stand there and examine her face. She's still so beautiful. The only difference with her now is that she looks a bit older.

"Of course I'm asking you that. You had no reason to leave me Tris," I say, angrily.

"I had no reason to leave you? You were freaking cheating on me Tobias! I'm not stupid! Don't act like I had no reason," she says and my mouth drops open.

"Looks like you didn't stay with her either," she mumbles.

"Excuse me? I would never cheat on you. Tris, I loved you so much, and you just left. Do you know how much that hurt me?" I ask, shaking my head.

Why would she think I was cheating on her. I loved Tris and I still do. I can't get over her.

"Christina told me everything. Don't act stupid," she says, a tear slipping out her eye.

"Well Christina told you wrong. I'm not that kind of person... You didn't even ask about it. Christina doesn't know everything," I say, frowning.

"Tobias..." she trails off, looking to the sky.

I shake my head. "Why would you even believe I'd cheat on you. Whenever we were together, I always thought you were the one. I guess I was wrong because you're with that guy," I say, hating the thought of him.

"I know I should've talked to you about it, but then you hit me," she hesitates.

"Tris, you know that was an accident. I never meant to hurt you, and you know that," I say, feeling my eyes start to burn.

"Well Tobias, I'm married now. You can't change that. I wish we could just start over from when we first met," she says, crying lightly.

"But we can't," I say and look at the ground, "you already chose your decisions and you can't change that either."

"Tobias, watch out!" Tris screams. I hear a loud bang and then pain in my back. I fall to the ground, gasping for air.

Tris' POV:

"Oh my gosh, Tobias!" I scream. I stand there in shock and burst into tears.

"What is wrong with you?" I scream at Calum. He is standing over his body, smirking, with a gun in his hands.

"Just protecting you like I said earlier, babe," he says and has a huge smirk on his face.

I run towards Tobias and crouch beside him. I try listening for a heart beat, but I don't hear anything.

I have tears streaming everywhere, and I look up at Calum, angrily.

"I hate you! Get away from me, you're crazy!" I scream at him.

He looks confused. "You still love him?" he asks.

I hesitate, "I didn't say that. You're a psychopath, and you know what? Maybe I do still love him!" I yell, and by this point everyone is outside too.

"Is anyone going to call the cops?" I freak out.

"I will," Zeke exclaims and gets out his phone. Zeke crouches beside me and whispers, "Come on Four."

"Hello, yes. I need an ambulance, immediately," Zeke continues, and I zone out. I stare at Tobias' beautiful face, forgetting about what's going on. I'm so stupid for leaving him. Then I realize what he said. And Christina's the one who ruined this whole thing.

I look up and see her staring at me. I glare at her and more tears burst out. My ex was shot by my husband. My best friend told me a huge lie that ruined my love life.

What am I going to do? My whole life is a mess.

Soon, I hear sirens and snap out of my daze when two men pick up Tobias and put him on the gurney.

------Time Lapse------

I'm sitting in the waiting room right now with my head in my hands. I run my fingers through my hair and think.

I wonder if this is how Tobias was when I tried killing myself in highschool.

A doctor walks in and says, "Well, Calum Hood was arrested if that gives you relief, but Mr. Eaton still isn't doing too well."

I'm happy about the Calum part, but what about Tobias?

"Can we see him?" I ask, concerned.

"Are you the only one here?" she asks.

"No," I shake my head and point to Zeke, Uriah, Will, and Christina. "But I don't think he wants to see her," I say, glaring at Christina.

"Okay. Wait for a few more minutes please," she says, and I nod my head.

"Okay... What's your freaking problem with me?" Christina exclaims.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yes. Why do you hate me now?"

"Christina, you ruined my life. You told me that he was cheating on me when he wasn't! How could you even do that to me? I would never do that to you and Will! But you had to do that to me! This wouldn't be happening right now if it wasn't for you!" I yell at her.

"Well you're the pathetic one. You just left, disconnecting all contact with us," she scowls.

I gasp, offended by her saying that, "Shut up and just leave!" I yell and point to the door.

"Tris, calm down," Zeke says.

"Leave!" I yell again.

"Fine," she says, and as she's walking out, she flips me off. "F*ck you."

"Please don't," I say, and I hear the guys laugh.

I sit back down and take a deep breath. "I don't know what to do guys," I say, shaking my head. I start to cry again and Zeke comes up beside me.

He hugs me tightly, and I lean into his chest, "It's going to be okay Tris."

"I hope so," I say.

------Time Lapse------

"Okay, you may see him," the doctor comes back out and says.

I jump up, eager to see him. Zeke and I  walk into see him first.

I sit down in a chair beside the bed, and Zeke sits beside me. I look at Tobias and he looks so peaceful. I smile at the sight of him.

I look at Zeke, and he is smiling too. He looks up at me and smiles bigger. "He'll be okay," he says.

I nod my head and Zeke says, "Tris, I don't know how to say this so I'll show you," Then he grabs my face and kisses me very forcefully.

I pull back and look at him like he is crazy. I look back down at Tobias and see him staring at us with wide eyes.

He is in shock and I say, "Tobias I promise nothing is going on between us."

"Then explain what just happened," he says, and I see even more hurt in his eyes.

"I-I didn't kiss him! I promise. Please believe me," I say and tears stream down my face.

He just shakes his head and says, "Leave. Both of you."

We get up and start to walk out the door, but he tells Zeke to stay. All I can do is cry.

A/N: oh meh gawh. Idek guys.
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May 16, 2015 12:49pm

a/n 08/30/16: oml goodness

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