Chapter 27: Australia

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Tobias' POV:

Tris said she would be back. All I've done is sit in the living room and wait for her. I get out my phone and call her but it went straight to voicemail. I am so worried right now.

I start to call Christina and she answers.

"Hello?" she says.

"Hey Christina. Is Tris there?" I ask while being worried.

"Four... She's gone," she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask, and I begin to feel like I'm going to throw up.

"I'm sorry, but... She left you," Christina says.

"This isn't funny Chris," I say, angrily.

"I know. I'm not laughing am I?" she says back, rudely.

I hang up the phone, and I just stare at the wall. I walk into our room and her ring is on my night stand.

There is a piece of paper on it too. I should've looked in here instead of sitting and doing nothing.

I read it and it says,

Dear Tobias,

I'm sorry that I left. I just don't know if I can trust you anymore. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't want an abusive husband. I guess this means that I'm breaking up with you. Don't try to find me please. I'm far from where you'd think I'd be. I'm happy that someone will get to experience how amazing you are. I left mainly because of something else though. It wasn't just that I thought you'd be abusive. Something has been going on that you wouldn't understand. I'll watch your football games when you are in the NFL. I know you'll be in the league. You may not think I love you because I left, but I'll always love you.

Love, Tris.

My heart drops when I read the letter. She thought I'd be abusive. I'm not a monster like my father... Why would she think that? I loved her, and I thought she loved me too. And I always understand Tris. Why would she think I wouldn't understand her?

Why did I even think that she loved me? Everyone hates me, and Marcus was right. I'm worthless.

Tris' POV:

I'm on my way to Australia. I hope it's far enough away from Tobias. I can't trust him anymore. After everything he has done, I've lost my trust for him.

I get on my plane and get situated. I put some ear buds in and go to sleep.

---Time Lapse---

My aunt lives here, so luckily, she said I can stay with her. I get out my phone and start to call my aunt.

"Hello?" she says into the phone.

"Hey, I'm at the airport. Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm almost there sweetheart. See you soon," she says, sweetly and hangs up.

Soon enough, she arrives. She smiles at me and motions for me to come towards her. I walk over to her, and she gives me a huge hug.

"Welcome sweetie! How are you?" she says, cheerfully.

"Not too good," I say while frowning.

"We'll talk about it in the car," she says and puts her arm around me, leading me to her car.

I explain everything that has happened until we get to her house.

"My life has just been so confusing. I don't know what to do. I loved Tobias and I just left him!" I exclaim to her, and I burst into tears.

"It's going to be okay honey. On the bright side, your cousin Luke, has a bunch of friends that are some cuties. Maybe you could get one of them. They will definitely want you, because you are so beautiful. There's not telling how long it's been since they saw a pretty girl," she says while laughing.

"And why is that?" I ask while smiling and wipe away my tears.

"Because they never leave the house!" she exclaims.

I laugh with her. I love Aunt Joy. She is so funny, and she always knows how to cheer me up.

"They were here when I left so they are probably still here. Luke said they're spending the night. They always stay up late playing instruments, so there's no telling if you'll get sleep. I'll get them to quiet down though," she says sweetly.

"I got plenty of sleep on the plane, trust me," I say while giggling.

We walk inside, and Luke and three other boys are chasing each other like maniacs around the house. I just stand there and they all stop and look at me.

"Cous!" Luke exclaims and runs to me and engulfs me in a bear hug.

"Hey," I say while smiling. I look over to the three boys staring at me. One has black hair with some blonde in it. Another has brown hair and the other has died red hair. They are all cute but the cutest is the "blondie," even though it's mainly black.

"Hi guys," I say while breaking their silence. They all try to act cool and act like they were just chilling.

"Sup," they say, trying to be cool.

"Boys, this is Beatrice, my cousin," Luke says.

"Actually, I go by Tris, Luke." I say and smile sheepishly.

"Oh, well Tris, this is Calum, Ashton, and Michael," Luke says.

"It's nice to meet you," I say.

They all nod their heads. Then we talk about stuff and play video games. I'm still down about every thing that has happened, but I have a good feeling about this place.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short! I just needed to put what happened after Tris left and got to her destination! FILLERS! lol.

So how do you feel about 5sos being in it? I'm like ooh, is Tris gonna date one of them? What about Tobias bae though? I guess you'll find out a lot more in later on chapters!

Whenever I was in the middle of writing this chapter, All I Want by Kodaline came on and it was perfect for writing! Look it up and you'll understand why it was good for it. Also, I Found by Amber Run! It's a great song and perfect for the chapter!

Please comment what you thought of the chapter!
I love you all!<3
May 16, 2015, 12:46pm

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