Chapter 19: Seriously?

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Tobias' POV:

It's been a week since I've broken my foot. It really sucks, because I can't do a lot of things. Why did Uriah have to do that? Ugh, my life sucks, except for Tris and I getting married.

I'm not sure when we're getting married yet. We have three dates that we have to choose out of. Today is June 10. I'm going to have a broken foot for two to three more months at the most. I don't know what I'm going to do for college.

Anyways, the wedding dates are: August 17, October 24, or April 12. Yeah, next year April. So August is out because my stupid foot. Hopefully, we will get married in October. I guess we'll find out when we get time to think about it.

We usually have time, but we're too lazy to think about it. Plus, Tris has been working a lot more. We are going to be buying a new house soon. Luckily, I can work the job I have now online.

I mean, my job is good but I could do better. Like football.

Tris is at work right now so I'm just sitting on the Prior's couch, looking at houses on the internet. Tris might get mad at me for looking at them without her, so I can't tell her. Natalie walks in with some snacks and a drink.

"I thought you might be hungry," she says while smiling.

I nod my head, "Thank you," I say.

She nods her head.

"Four, we need to talk about something serious," she says while sitting in the chair across from me.

"What?" I ask, curiously.

"You don't need to marry Tris. Just break up with her and leave," she says, calmly.

"Excuse me?" I say and stop eating my food, she could've poisined it for all I know. Just a thought.

"You heard me. Now leave a note and I'll help you to your car," she says.

"I'm not leaving her. Why do you want me to?" I ask, confused.

"She doesn't need to marry someone like you. You're a disgrace," she says, scowling.

"Who told you that?" I ask, thinking about Marcus.

"Your father. He told Andrew and I about how you were such a bad kid and the things you did. Have you hurt Tris in any way?" she asks.

"I-I... No. Tris loves me, and I love her too. I also can't believe why you trust Marcus. He's a liar. You don't know the things he has done to me," I say while frowning.

"If you don't get up to leave then trust me, I will make your foot worse than it already is," she says, glaring.

"Mom?" I look up and see Tris. I didn"t even realize she walked in. Natalie turns around, "Oh, hey sweetie. Four and I were just having a friendly chat about you. Right Four?" she says, giving me a look that is telling me to say yes.

"It's okay babe. I heard what she said, so you don't have to lie," Tris says, looking upset.

"I wasn't going to lie anyways," I say, eyeing Natalie.

"Tris, Four is a bad person. You don't know his real side," Natalie says.

"No mom, you're wrong, because you don't know his real side. Don't worry about him staying much longer though." Tris says and my heart almost breaks. Natalie smirks, "I knew you wouldn't stay with him much longer," she says and then walks away.

I look at Tris and hurt fills my eyes. Was she being serious? I hope not.

A/N: Hi! Did you like this chapter? I bet you hate me right now for the cliffhanger! lol! Oh well! I'll update the next chapter ASAP! Don't kill me please! Also, 5sos fans, I've made a new story called, A Fangirl's Dream: 5sos, search that exactly to read it or look on my profile. @courtney__james There is only one chapter and it isn't that long so don't be upset when you read it because I WILL update it!

Anyways, comment for this chapter! I love all of you!<3
May 16, 2015, 12:39pm

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