Chapter 34: Hide and Seek

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Tris' POV:

A few days later...

"Tobias, I'm pregnant..." I say, quietly.

"Am I..." he trails off.

"Yes..." I say, smiling slightly.

"Oh no... I can't be. No, I'm not the father," he says, breaking my heart.

"You are the only one though..." I feel a tear slip out of my eye.

"Shut up! I'm not the stupid father of that thing, and you aren't my wife! We aren't even dating Tris! I bet you that Zeke is the father!" he scowls.

"Tobias! No! You are the father, and you can't say that! Don't deny it! Please!" I burst into tears.

"I hate you! Get out of my way!" he says and shoves me to the ground, so he can get through.

I grab his foot and say, "Don't leave me!"

"You have no room to talk." he glares and kicks me in the stomach.

"Baby!" I yell and hold my stomach, "if my child dies, then it's because of you!"

"Don't you mean our child," he smirks.

I crawl to a chair; and cry the most that I've ever cried before.

"You'll never be loved. Just face the fact." Tobias says and leaves.

I gasp for air and sit straight up in bed. I look over to both sides of me and see no one is here to hold me. That was the worst dream ever.

I'm staying at Tobias' house. He got out of the hospital yesterday and asked if I wanted to stay with him. Why wouldn't I?

I'm surprised that we are hanging out this much. Usually it would take a while to even talk to someone you left. Maybe the connection we have is just, I don't know... Meant to be?

Who knows? I get up and put on a t-shirt and sweatpants. I walk to the kitchen and smell something good.

I walk in and see Tobias cooking. I don't go up behind him... Especially since he is cooking. I sit down at the bar and say, "Morning, what are you cooking?"

He jumps and turns around. "Oh morning," he laughs, "I'm making eggs and bacon..."

"Yummy!" I exclaim.

"It's not for you," he shoots me a look and says, "just kidding!"

I shake my head and laugh, "You're so nice."

Tobias' POV:

Tris is so stinking hot. She is just wearing comfy clothes, and she's still hot.

"I'm going to do some yoga while you're cooking," Tris says.

"Okay," I say.

She goes to the living room, and I follow behind her quickly, so the food doesn't burn.

She bends down to touch her toes, and I walk up behind her and slap her butt.

She screams and turns around quickly. "Tobias!" she exclaims, "Don't do that!"

She slaps my arm playfully, and I smirk, "Sorry, I forgot my drink in here," I lie.

"I'm sure that wasn't on purpose," she says, sarcastically.

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