Chapter 20: Really Mom?

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Tris' POV:

I stand in front of Tobias, and he looks hurt. I mean the way I said that probably made him think that I didn't love him.

"Come with me," I say and open the front door.

He gets up slowly and uses his crutches to help him walk.

"You can sit on the swing," I say while pointing to the porch swing. He nods and walks over towards it. Then I shut the door, so no one can hear us from inside.

"You weren't being serious, right?" he asks, looking upset.

"Of course I was serious," I say, making him think more.

"Oh... Am I too much to handle or something?" he asks.

"I never said I wasn't coming with you silly. We need to be looking at houses, because we have to move out soon," I say, smiling.

A look of relief crosses his face. I love the expressions he always has.

"That makes a lot more since. I never thought about that," he says while smiling.

"Tobias, I said that I'd never leave you... And I mean it,"  I say while walking over to him.

He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I start to laugh and put my arms around his neck.

"What?" He asks while smiling.

"Usually I look up to you when we kiss, but now it's the opposite. I just find that funny," I say.

"Oh. So we're going to kiss?" he says, smiling and puckers his lips.

I playfully slap him. Then I bend down to kiss him. We kiss softly, and then it kind of turns into a make out session.

"Tris?" I turn around and see my mother standing there, looking angry.

"Yes mother?" I ask, acting sweet.

"You just said th-" I cut her off, "I said that he won't be here much longer? Yes, I did because both of us, notice I said both, are moving out as soon as possible. I never said I was breaking up with him, because I'm not."

She looks very irritated. "Well it looks like you aren't going to have a mother during the wedding," she says.

"At least I have a father that cares," I say, glaring at her.

"Leave. You can't stay here anymore," she says, looking even angrier.

"Fine, but we're getting our stuff," I say, waking to go inside. I push past her and walk inside. I hear Tobias getting up, because his crutches make a loud noise.

But then the sound stops. Oh gosh. What happened? I walk back out and see my mom standing in front of him.

A/N: Hola! So do you like this chapter? I bet you love cliffhangers😂 lol! I'm going to be updating a good amount today because I'm not at school. My sister has a softball tournament and I have to go to that so ya!
Have a wonderful rest of the day! Lol!
Comment what you think about this chapter and I love you❤️
May 16, 2015, 12:40pm

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