Chapter 50: Meeting Chloe

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Tobias' POV:

I wake up with a major headache. I don't really remember anything that happened last night, but all I know is that this is one of the worst hangovers that I've ever had.

I look around and something doesn't feel right. Oh, maybe it's because I'm asleep on the couch without Tris. "Duh, Tobias." I say in my head.

I get up, exhausted, and walk into the kitchen. I go to the medicine cabinet and get some ibuprofen. Can I like not get drunk again? It kills me.

I walk into our bedroom and see Tris sound asleep. She is so adorable when she is sleeping. I get in bed beside her and whisper, "Tris."

She turns over to face me and slaps me hard. I get out of the bed and say, "What the heck was that for?"

"Last night," she says.

Aw crap. What did I do last night? I then say, "What did I do?"

She looks at me with an "are you serious" face and says, "It's nice to know that you get lap dances from other girls."

Oh, now there are a lot of memories from last night, and Chloe explains a lot. Last night I drank like a lot. And then a girl named Chloe came up to me.

She insisted on giving me one and wouldn't leave me alone about it so i thought, I'll just enjoy the most I can.

It was actually really good and- that's not the point. "That was just last night. I was very drunk and I wasn't aware of everything," I partly lie.

"I'd never do anything to hurt you Tris. I love you and it's true. Please just trust me," I say with all honesty.

She sighs, "You have her number don't you?"

"Yeah..." I say, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"Give me your phone," she says.

"What? Do you seriously think I text a bunch of other chicks when I have you?" I ask.

She shrugs and put her hand out for me to grab, "Who said I was looking through your texts?" she asks.

I give her my phone and say, "Why wouldn't you? That's what most girls do to their boyfriends."

"Correction, fiancé," she says.

"Whatever," I mumble.

She looks up at me and says, "That's a big deal."

"Now what did you say her name was?" Tris asks.

"Chloe," I mumble again.

She starts to call someone, and I start to get a bad feeling.

Tris' POV:

I begin to call that Chloe chick, and I look at Tobias. He looks worried about what I'm about to do, and he has all rights to be.

"Hello?" I hear a preppy voice answer.

"Hi, is this Chloe?" I ask.

"Yes, and this is..." she says.

"This is Four's mother. He said that he met you last night, and you were wonderful to him," I say and smirk at Tobias.

"Oh! Four. Such a handsome man. Did he really say that?" she asks.

"Yep. So I was wondering if you wanted to come eat lunch with us today? We're having some pizza at his house, and I'd really like to meet you. I'll text you the address," I say.

"What time?" she asks.

"I was thinking 12:00p.m. Is that too early for you?" I ask.

"No, that's actually perfect. I'm happy that I'm going to meet you! See you soon," she says.

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