Chapter 6: School

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Four's POV:

I'm so glad that Tris and I are finally dating. I don't know why I didn't ask her to date me before. She's so wonderful.

I think of how amazing Tris is on the way to school. I wonder what she's doing today. I guess I'll just have to find out.

I pull into school and park in my usual spot. When I get out Cara comes up to me and tries to push me on my car.

"Get off of me, freak," I exclaim.

"Ughhhh!" She screams and walks away.

I walk inside and go to my locker. Then I go to Tris' locker, and I see that she is on her phone. I stand there, and when she closes her locker, she sees me standing there and jumps.

"Oh, hey!" she exclaims.

"Morning beautiful," I say and start to kiss her. Then she pulls away and looks down.

"You okay?" I ask, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she says.

"Okay...." I say, strangely. I put my arm around her and start to walk to class. Then she stops and says, "I actually have to go to a different class today."

"Wait...what? Tris, what's going on? You can tell me anything." I say, sounding even more worried.

"Come over to my house later, and we'll talk." She says, forcing a smile and walks away.

What the heck is going on with her? Does she not like me anymore? Of course she does, right? I asked her out yesterday.

One thing though... Why is she going to another class? Did she get her schedule changed? Guess I'll find out tonight.

------Time Lapse------

It's lunch, and I go sit between Zeke and Tris.

"Hey," I say, smiling to Tris.

"Hey," she says and smiles a little.

"Um... So are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yeah Four, I already told you!" She snaps at me. I hate it when she calls me that. I'm going to tell her about me tonight. About Marcus and the beatings.

"Look, I'm sorry that I'm so concerned for my girlfriend!" I say and walk away.

------Time Lapse------

When I get home, Marcus is there.

Great. Looks like it's time for another beating.

I try to sneak past the living room and to my room but then Marcus says, "Where do you think you are going?"

"U-uh nowhere sir." I say, stuttering.

"Did you just stutter?" He snaps.

"No sir," I say back, instantly.

"Come here," he says.

I walk over to Marcus, and he walks up right to my face.

"You're nothing but a disgrace," he says and slaps me. Then the beating continues from there.

------Time Lapse------

The beating is over, and I'm just lying on my bed trying to get through the pain.


I look at my phone, and it's Tris. Oh. I forgot I was going to go to her house.

Where are you? -T

Sorry, I have to tell you something. -4

What? -T

Is there still time for me to come over? -4

Yeah. Of course! -T

Okay. I'll tell you when I get there. -4

I go downstairs and see Marcus is gone. I wish it was always like this.

I go out to my car and drive to Tris' house. I knock on her door and her mother comes.

"Hey Four!" she says, happily.

"Hello Mrs. Prior. Can I see Tris?" I ask.

"Yes, but what happened to your face honey?" she asks with concern.

"It was nothing. I'm fine," I lied, forcing a smile.

"Okay then, Tris is in her room."

"Thanks," I say, as I walk to her room.

I open the door, and Tris looks up.

"Hey," she smiles.

I go sit on her bed and keep quiet.

"Four, are you okay?" she asks, softly.

"Don't call me that," I say, honestly.

"What am I supposed to call you then?" she asks, confused.

"Tobias," I say, simply.

"Is that your real name?" she asks, smiling.

"Yeah," I say.

It's quiet for a minute, and Tris says, "F- I mean, Tobias. What's wrong?"

"You tell me first," I state.

"What?" she asks.

"At school. You weren't yourself," I say, frowning.

"I-I don't know. I guess I was just confused. But I'm fine now, I promise," she says, smiling still.

"Why'd you have a different class?" I ask.

"I don't know. They just gave me a new schedule," she says, frowning.

"Oh," I say.

"So tell me. What happened? Tobias, I can tell something bad happened, because your face is all beat up." she says, upset. I'm glad she's upset. I know she shows feelings for me.

I take off my shirt and show her my stomach and back. And my face obviously.

There are tears streaming down her face. "Who did this to you?" she asks, crying.

"My father, Marcus. That's why I just now got here. He was abusing me. He always does," I say, trying not to be too upset.

"Oh my gosh," she says and runs to me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry," she says, while sobbing.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," I say and smile at her.

She looks up at me and says, "What?"

"You're just so beautiful," I say and kiss her softly. Then we just lay in her bed, talking. We soon fall asleep, and I'm holding Tris in my arms. No one will take her away.

A/N: Hey guys!
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I love you all!❤️
March 25, 2015

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