Chapter 24: Escaping

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Tris' POV:

I wake up from being knocked out, and I look around. I'm in a barn type place. I'm sitting in a chair in the middle of the floor and lights are shining only on me.

I squint my eyes and look down so the light isn't too bad in my eyes.

Where's Tobias? What did they do to him? Oh my gosh, this is all so confusing.

"Tobias!" I shout and my voice just echoes. "Tobias!" I shout, repeatedly.

I feel a tear slip down my eye and realize this is all happening right now. If it was a dream then something out of the ordinary would happen.

Someone getting kidnapped isn't really strange, because it's a common thing.

I have to get out of here, though. I have to get out and find Tobias. Then we can leave safely... Hopefully.

I hear a door and look around again, ignoring the light. Someone walks up to me and stares at me.

"Soon you'll want me," he says, and I can see him smirk.

"I'll never want a rapist," I spit out.

He looks shocked that I said that.

"Well you have a big mouth, now don't you?" he says while chuckling.

I just glare at him.

"But seriously don't worry. You will be mine," he says.

"And how are you going to get me to want you?" I ask.

"It's simple, you see, we will let Four go if you marry me and if you don't," he puts his finger up to his throat and acts like he's cutting it, "bye to him."

I begin to feel heat flow over my face, "I thought you already killed him."

"No no, we at least give him a chance," he says and winks.

"You realize that he is going to come back for me," I say, because it's obvious.

"He doesn't know where we are so that won't be a problem," he says, "be thinking about your choice babe." Then he kisses me on the cheek, and I try to slap him but realize my hands are tied.

Tobias' POV:

I wake up and my head hurts really bad. Gosh, what happened last night?

I rub my head and look around the room. Where am I? What's going on? I'm really confused.

Tris. Oh no. Where is Tris? I have to make sure she is alright. I try to stand up, but I can't.

I look down and my feet are tied to a chair. So are my hands. Then some chick walks in.

"And they're just going to let you go?" she says. I just stare at her with confusion.

"Why?" she says.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," I say.

"Oh, well they are going to keep your little girlfriend and let you go home. I don't know why they'd let you leave because, wow. You're freaking hot," she says, and I just glare at her.

"They are not keeping Tris. I won't let them," I say and ignore the fact that she said I was hot. I have a fiancé, do you think I care what she says.

"Oh, but you can't stop them. There's no telling what they are doing to her right now," she says while smirking.

"Shut up," I growl.

"Make me," she says while biting her lip. She walks behind me and drags her fingers on my shoulder and back, causing me to cringe.

"Since they have her, I guess I get you," she whispers in my ear.

"You people aren't getting me or Tris," I say.

"If you want to think that then okay, suit yourself," she says, "I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much."

"I won't," I mumble, and she just rolls her eyes and leaves.

I look around the room and don't see anything that I could get away with.

I realize that they tied my hands with rope. I can get my hands out of it and then go from there.

Tris' POV:

Where's Tobias? I'm so scared, and he makes me feel safe. He makes me feel safe when he's here. But I know that he will come and save me.

I know Tobias. He loves me and will protect me.

I sit there in silence and feel like dying. What do they want with us? I guess they just want me.

If Tobias doesn't come in time for us to get away, then when I have to decide, I have to make the right choice. They are going to keep me anyways, so I'll just save Tobias.

I have to make sure that he is okay. He's going to have to live without me now. He's brave, but I'm not sure how he is going to deal with life after that. He loves me, and I love him too.

After about an hour, I think, sirens go off, and Tobias runs in.

"Tris!" Tobias exclaims.

"Tobias!" I exclaim and feel like crying.

He comes up behind me and starts to untie the rope around my hands, "We have to leave now!" he exclaims and unties my feet too.

He grabs my hand and we start to run. "The sirens went off because they know I'm gone now," he says, and we continue running. I just nod my head.

"Tobias! Your foot," I exclaim.

"That doesn't matter, we just have to get out of here. It doesn't matter how fast we run," Tobias says.

We turn down another hallway, and it's a dead end. We turn back around to start running the opposite direction, but "Liam" is standing there.

"Let us go!" I shout.

"I can't believe that you tried running away," he laughs and shakes his head.

He walks up to me and brings me away from Tobias. Tobias starts to walk over, but Liam tells him to stop.

Liam's attention goes back to me, and he looks angry.

"You're so stupid," he says, and I feel my cheek stinging again. He always slaps me. I fall to the ground, because the force was so strong.

Tobias runs over to him and starts punching him really hard. He makes him fall to the ground and runs over to me. He was stupid by not having anyone else here.

"Sorry," he says, looking disappointed with himself.

"Don't be. We have to get away and he hurt me anyways," I say and hug him.

"Let's go," Tobias says and helps me up. We begin to run again, and I don't know where we are going. We just have to find an escape.

A/N: hola! I'm on the bus right now and I just want to go home and eat!lol😂
So comment what you thought of this chapter!
I love you all!❤️
May 16, 2015, 12:44pm

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