Chapter 46: Another Appointment

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Tobias' POV:

It's been a month now, and we go back to the doctor today. Tris says that she isn't getting an abortion, but I've been trying to convince her. I can't lose her.

I walk into the kitchen and see her eating some cereal.

"Morning," I say.

"Morning," she says back.

She hasn't been happy with me, because I want her to get one. I mean, I don't want to lose her. She's all that I have, and the doctors said that she isn't able to have a baby.

"So... What are you going to do?" I ask.

"You know what I'm going to do. Tobias, please just stick with me on this. I'd rather die than kill our baby purposely," she says.

"Tris, I know I've said this a lot, but I can't lose you. Like what we said last month, if we didn't have each other then we'd die. Don't you remember?" I ask.

"I remember, but you have to listen to me. Have some faith that neither of us will die. I don't care what the doctors say, but I'm going to have this baby no matter what," she says.

I sigh and walk to the cabinet. I grab a poptart and sit at the table with Tris. "I really can't talk you into this can I?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Whatever," I say and walk back into my room. I don't know what I am going do without her.

Tris' POV:

Tobias walks back into his room, and I begin to cry lightly. Why is he being such a jerk about this? Does he have any faith about this baby?

I already have a little bump, and I place my hand on it. "I love you so much baby," I whisper.

I get up and bring my bowl to the sink. I place it in there carefully and lean one hand on the counter. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. I wipe my tears away and walk to our bedroom.

Tobias is sitting in bed on his phone. "Are you coming?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says.

I walk to the car and wait for him to come. He soon gets in, and we begin driving to the hospital. The whole ride is silent and when we get there, I immediately get out and walk in.

We sit in the waiting room for a couple minutes, and Tobias starts rubbing my thigh. I don't do anything about it, and I just wait for us to be called.

Soon enough, Doctor Harvey comes out and calls my name. "I can't wait for it to be Tris Eaton," Tobias whispers, and it makes me smile.

We walk back into a room with her and she says, "Okay! Time for the big decision! So are you getting an abortion or not?"

"No," I say while Tobias says, "yes."

I glare at him, and Doctor Harvey says, "I'll let you two discuss it some more."

"No," I say. "This is my decision, because I am the one who has the baby inside of me. It's my decision if I have to carry my baby around or not. So the answer is no, I'm not getting an abortion. There is no discussing to that."

She looks at Tobias, and he just shakes his head. She says, "Okay, but you know that there is 99.9% chance that you won't make it, right?

"I'm not killing our baby," I say, and she just shakes her head and leaves the room.


"Tobias, please stop," I say, and I begin to cry a little.

He doesn't say anything after I say that, and we just sit there in silence. She walks back into the room and says, "Okay, you're next appointment is October 25th."

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