Chapter 39: FOURTRIS!

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Tris' POV:

I wake up beside Tobias, and I see that he is still asleep. I don't really know what happened yesterday.

Everything was so confusing. I sigh and whisper, "Tobias."

He doesn't respond, so I shake him a little. I whisper again, "Tobias."

He groans, "Hmm?"

"What happened yesterday?" I ask, confused.

"I don't know." he says, tiredly.

"Seriously. I'm confused," I say.

"Cool." he says and tries to sleep again.

I sigh and get up. He groans and reaches for me, "Come back!" he says.

"No. Get up," I say. "We need to talk about something..."

I'm going to tell Tobias that I'm pregnant. I'm not really, but I want to see how it goes, because he won't leave me if he really loves me... At least I hope. I don't know how he will react, but I hope he doesn't hate me.

He gets up and walks over to me. "Let me get woken up some more."

I sit in the kitchen and wait for Tobias to come back. He walks in and smiles. "Morning beautiful."

I smile and say, "Morning."

"So what do we need to talk about?" he says, happily.

I take a deep breath, "Well... Do you remember the other night when you were with Uriah and you know Eric and stuff?"

He nods and looks at me, confused.

"Well, Eric made me do things with him, and so I took a test the next morning and I-" I stop and look up at him.

I make direct eye contact with him and say, "I'm pregnant..." I look down quickly, not wanting to know how his expression was.

"Are you serious?" he asks.

I nod my head. Please don't let that dream come true. It wouldn't be exact, but I don't want him to make me leave.

I sit there, and then I feel Tobias' muscular arms wrap around me tightly. "Tris, I'll always be here for you. Don't worry."

A part of me is relieved and I force myself to cry. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"My child is going to grow up without a father," I cry into his arms.

"I'll be like his father... I mean if you want me to..." he says.

"I'd love that,"!I smile. I hug him tightly, and then I look up at him. All I feel is lips against my own quickly, and I stand up.

I kiss Tobias back with force, and he picks me up. He pins me against the wall and starts to kiss my neck.

I get chills and grip onto his shirt. "You're. So. Beautiful," he says between kisses.

I moan and cover my mouth quickly, and he looks up at me and smiles. I blush, and he just shrugs. He cups my face with his hands and presses his lips back to mine.

He pulls apart and stares into my eyes. "I love you so much Tris. I can't hold back how much I love you."

My back is against the wall, and my legs are wrapped around Tobias tightly. "I love you too."

We kiss more, and I stop for a minute. "Tobias?"


"What is going on?" I ask.

"I don't really know," he smiles.

"I'm so glad this is happening right now though," I say, honestly.

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