Chapter 16: I Won't Lose You

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Tris' POV:

I pull into Marcus' house and get out of my car really fast. I see Tobias' car, so I know he should be here. I run to the door quickly and try to open it.

It's locked. Crap. I go around to the back of the house. I know which room is Tobias', because I always snuck into his room during high school using his window.

I open the window, luckily it's unlocked, and crawl in. I hear people talking, and the voices aren't familiar. Who could be here? I mean Marcus, yes, but that isn't Tobias' voice. Neither of them are.

"What are we going to do? We can't keep him here," someone says.

"Well we can't just dump him. He's still my son," I soon hear Marcus say.

Bull crap. If he's going to say that Tobias is his son, then he should've treated him like it. I can't stand Marcus. He makes me so angry.

I peek my head through his door and see Tobias lying on the ground, unconscious.
Marcus and someone else are standing there.

Who is that? "Eric!" Marcus shouts. Oh, Eric... Why is he with Marcus? What is going on?

"Yes?" he says, instantly.

"What are we going to do?" Marcus exclaims while running his hands through his hair.

"Let's just lock him in his room until he wakes up," Eric exclaims.

"Okay... Whatever," Marcus says and starts to pick Tobias up. "Help me, I can't carry him by myself."

Eric picks up his feet, and they start to carry him to the room. Crap. I rush to find somewhere to hide. I get under the bed as quickly as possible.

They walk in and lay Tobias on his bed. It sinks down some, and I'm afraid that I'm going to be crushed.

Then Marcus says, "We need to lock the door and go to you know where."

"We'd lock the door anyways. We can't let him escape," Eric says like it's obvious. It is though.

"I'm not stupid, let's go!" Marcus exclaims, frustrated again.

"Okay," Eric says, and they walk out.

I get out from under the bed and put my head up to the door. I try and listen to what they are saying, and then I hear a door close.

I get up and run to Tobias.

"Tobias, wake up!" I say while shaking him. He doesn't respond.

"Tobias, please! Don't leave me!" I exclaim, trying not to cry.

"What did they do?" I say in a whisper, and I lay my head on his arm. I'm kneeing on the floor beside his bed.

I turn around to a loud noise. Marcus is standing at the door staring at me.

"I knew someone was here. It's kind of stupid to park your car in the middle of the drive way, don't ya' think?" he asks, smirking.

I just glare at him and say, "What did you do? You're a monster!"

"I didn't do anything. Don't worry, he's not dead. But if you don't leave, then he will be."

"Do you really think that I'd leave him? This is my fiancé you're talking about! You can just shut up, because you weren't even a good father," I shout at him, "I actually care for him unlike you! You're just selfish!"

"I'm the selfish one?" he says, laughing. "You got that mixed up. He's the one who got his mother killed. He's the one-"

I cut him off, "He's the one that actually cares!"

He just glares at me and starts walking towards me. "What are you going to do? Hit me? Is that all you're good for?" I ask.

He stops walking and glares at me even more. His face starts to turn red and he clinches his fists.

"Get out of my house. Now." he says, angrily.

"No. I'll only go if Tobias comes. I'm not leaving him here. Not with you at least," I say, glaring at him.

"Bring him with you then," he says, hesitantly.

I just look at him like he's crazy. "I feel like there are strings attached to this."

"There isn't. Just leave and don't tell anyone about it," he says calmly.

"Well help me carry him then," I say, looking back to Tobias.

Tobias takes a big gasp of air and starts freaking out.

"Tobias," I say, calmly.

He keeps freaking out.

"Tobias!" I shout.

He looks at me and reaches to hug me. I hug him really tightly. "Come on, we have to leave," I say.

"Where are we?" he asks and looks up at Marcus. "Oh," is the only word that leaves his mouth.

He looks back to me and nods. "Tobias," Marcus says.

"Don't call me that," Tobias snaps.

"Okay, okay. I just want you to know that I didn't do this. It was someone else," he says. I roll my eyes.

"You were both in on it. Shut up," I say.

He glares at me once again. Tobias sits up and rubs his head and winces.

I put my arm around him to support him walking, and he puts his arm around my shoulders.

We push through Marcus, and I glare at him. We walk to my ca, and I let Tobias get in. I get in after him and start the car quickly. I start to drive out really fast then Tobias says, "Tris."

"Yes?" I ask.

"It's okay. You don't have to go that fast."

"Tobias! I was so scared that I was going to lose you! Why did you go there?" I ask, trying not to cry.

"I don't know. I was looking for you, but then I wanted to come here because your Natalie said you were at Christina's," he says, upset.

"Just... Please don't do it again. I don't want to lose you," I say.

"I don't want to lose you either," he says, making my heart smile.

A/N: Hey guys! So how was that? My friend wanted me to update so you can thank her for this update! Lol! Well I hope you are enjoying this story! The picture is and edit that I just made. I'm going to do one for every character probably so if you want to then you can screenshot them or something. You don't have to though! Lol! Bye✌️

Comment what you think!
I love you all!❤️
May 16, 2015, 12:36pm

a/n 8-25-16: did i really think that the picture on here was good?😂its one of the worst edits ever oml😭😂

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