Chapter 23: Kidnapped

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Tris' POV:

It's been about a week since we bought our new house. It's really nice, and surprisingly it was in our budget. Tobias has been doing better since we've settled in a little. He has to use a boot instead of crutches now, which is good. He can walk around better.

We aren't finished with everything yet, but we're getting there.

It took about 3 weeks to find a house to move into, and we found this one. So, it's been about a month since I was still living with my mom.

I'm so glad we moved out, and we have our own space finally. Zeke and Uriah were killing me. Today is July 12, and Tobias and I are just going to chill today.

I walk into the living room, and Tobias is on the computer. I plop down on the couch beside him and snuggle into his side. I look at the computer, and he is watching some youtube video.

"It would be cool to meet him," Tobias says.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Pewdiepie. He is a famous gamer on youtube," he says.

"Cool," I say. Tobias doesn't say anything, so I speak up and say, "He's kind of cute."

He shuts the computer instantly and looks at me. "Suddenly, I don't want to meet him."

"Oh come on! I already know who he is, and he has a girlfriend, so chill babe! By the way, his real name is Felix," I say and wink at him.

He just rolls his eyes and laughs. I move the laptop, so I can lay my head on his lap.

"Tris!" He exclaims, "That was important!"

"More important than me?" I say, fake frowning.

He sighs and says, "No."

"That's what I thought," I say while smiling.

I soon fall asleep on Tobias' lap, and he falls asleep too.


I wake up to the sound of someone banging on the door. I look at the time and it is 9:00pm. Wow. It was 4:00 when we went to sleep.

Who could be here right now, though? I get up and get Tobias up too.

"Hmm?" Tobias says, as he stretches.

"Someone is here," I say.

"Who?" he asks.

"I don't know. That's why I woke you up," I say.

"Okay," he says and gets up.

We walk to the door and when I open it, someone unfamiliar is standing there.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Hi, I'm Liam. Does some one named Beatrice Prior live here?" he asks.

"That's me, but I go by Tris." I say while smiling.

"Okay, well you are under arrest for the murder of Natalie Prior." he says.

"What? My mother is dead? Wait! What is going on?" I say and start to freak out.

"Please turn around ma'am." he says, and I do.

When I turn around I look at Tobias with confusion. He puts the cuffs around my wrists and says, "Come on."

"She is not a murderer. What the heck is wrong with you? You aren't even wearing a uniform. How do I know that you are a real police," Tobias says.

"I was off duty when they called me to tell me," Liam says.

"I'm pretty sure they would have someone on duty come. Unless you have a badge, I don't believe you." Tobias says while glaring at him.

He reaches in his pocket and digs around in it. "Crap, I left it at the office. You can come too but you have to leave after I show you," Liam says.

"I'm not leaving her with you. I don't know who you are. Like I said, I don't even know if you're a real cop," Tobias says.

"Why would I be here if I wasn't a real cop?" Liam asks while looking confused.

"First of all, she's hot, and second of all, you could be trying to kill her. So back off or show me a badge right now, and we will go to the police station," Tobias says, and it makes me smile.

He's such a good fiancé for defending me and saying that I'm hot.

"I don't have time for this. If I don't get her to the station in time, then they are going to come look for me," Liam says.

"Who?" Tobias asks.

"My inmat-, I mean fellow police partners," he says.

"Your inmates?" Tobias says and runs back into the house.

The 'Liam' guy laughs and says, "He's too chicken to face me. Looks like your coming with me pretty lady," Tobias wouldn't just leave me. He probably went to get a gun or something.

"Tobias!" I shout. He doesn't respond, and I struggle to get away from the guy, but I fail. "Tobias! Help me!" I say, repeatedly.

"Shh," the man whispers in my ear, "you're mine now."

It gives me the chills, and I try kicking him. I don't kick him though, because he keeps moving away from me.

He puts me in the back of his car and straps me in. I still have handcuffs on, and I look at the man, "Who are you?" I ask.

He shakes his head and bends down to me. He is about to say something when instead, he starts to kiss my neck. I head butt him, and he gives me an angry look. Then, he slaps me in the face.

"Don't you dare do that again," he says, angrily.

My cheek stings, and when I look back up, there are two guys carrying a body towards the car. I can't tell who they are or who they are carrying. They open the trunk of the car and shove the body inside.

The first guy to show up at our house gets in the driver's seat. One of the guys gets in the passenger and the other one sits beside me.

They all look at me, and I still can't see their faces, since it's dark. They shine a light in my face, and I squint my eyes.

"She's hot and has a nice body. Good choice man," one guy says and moves the flash light down my body.

"I know. That's why I picked her. Now we just need to get rid of the body. Not hers but the other guy," the 'Liam' guy says. I know it's him, because that is the only voice I heard out of the three of them.

"Don't worry, you'll see your boyfriend or husband, whatever, again. Just not alive," he mumbles the last part. When he says that, my heart breaks. Is Tobias really dead? He can't be... Why are they doing this to us. Us... Tobias and I...

A/N: Hi! Oh my gosh guys! This chapter though. Depressing right? Why do I do this to myself? lol! So I hope you liked this chapter! Also, the picture is what their new house looks like. Comment what you thought of this chapter! I love you all!
May 16, 2015, 12:43pm

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