Chapter 44: Preggos

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Tobias' POV:

I wake up with Tris snuggled into my arms, and she looks scared. She sits up quickly and takes a huge gasp. I sit up beside her and put my arms around her tightly.

"It's okay. It's okay," I repeat.

She is shaking a lot and is breathing heavily. "Why do I keep having these dreams?" she asks.

"I don't know... Are they that bad?" I ask.

She nods her head rapidly, "Of course they are! They feel so real, and you always die in them! Tobias, I can't lose you! You know that!"

"I do know that. Tris, I love you, and I promise that you won't lose me." I say, hugging her tighter.

I wipe a couple of tears off her face, and I look at her carefully. She's the most beautiful thing ever. "I just- I don't know... What am I supposed to do or think? I don't know anymore Tobias."

"You don't have to think anything. And trust me. You will not lose me. Tris, I could say this to you all day but don't you want to do something? We have a lot of stuff to figure out," I say, and she nods.

I get off the bed and hold my arms out for her to get into. She jumps on my back, and I wrap my hands around her legs tightly while she puts her hands around my neck.

I carry her into the kitchen and I say, "Geez Tris. You aren't even heavy. How?"

I set her down and look at her. She looks offended, and she says, "Do I look heavy?"

"No, no, no! That isn't what I meant!" I exclaim, and she starts laughing. I glare at her and I say, "Cough cough, female dog, cough cough."

She looks at me and looks angry. "Why don't you say the word?" she smirks.

"Sorry. Little kids don't need to hear that," I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm only two years younger," she says and looks at me like an idiot.

I smirk and say, "You love me babe," and wink.

"Surprisingly," she mumbles. "Be right back," she says and walks away for a few minutes, and then comes back.

I turn from the fridge and stare at her for a minute. Then I start 'running' towards her, and I pick her up into my arms. I start spinning her around, and she says, "Tobias! I'm gonna throw up!"

I stop spinning and set her down. "I'm sure you will," I roll my eyes and lean down to kiss her.

She backs away, "You know what I just realized?"

I groan, "What?"

"That you are taller than normal. I forgot about your stupid boot," she groans.

I shrug and lean down to kiss her again. She gives me a quick peck on my cheek and says, "Can I have some breakfast now?"

I roll my eyes, "Fatty," I mumble.

"I'm smaller than you are sir," she says, and I laugh. "I'm kidding. You aren't fat," I say, and she smiles.

She walks back over to me and rubs my back. "Why don't you ever wear a shirt?" she asks, randomly.

"Why would I?" I say.

"I don't know..." she says.

"You want to really know why though?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says.

"Because I know you think I'm sexier without one," I smirk.

She laughs and says, "You wish!"

"I know!" I say back.

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