Chapter 5: Monday's Tomorrow:(

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Tris' POV:

I sit on my front porch. This is so much better than the hospital. What if I had died?Either way would be good I guess.

I'm reading a book, and it says this girl's favorite number is four.

I miss him. I wish he would just appear and hold me close to him. He used to make me feel safe. Now I don't know how to feel when he's around.

I get a text from Christina:

Hey, meet me at the Coffee Café! We need to talk! -C

I'll be there ASAP! -T

I already took a shower, so I go change into normal clothes. I put on a short sleeved blue and white striped shirt and bleached blue jean short shorts. I put on my white vans. I put a fedora on also and grab my matching purse and go to the bathroom.

I pull my hair up in a high ponytail. I put on mascara and eyeliner like always. I put on my vanilla bean Chapstick. Then I grab my phone and walk downstairs.

"I'm going to hang with Chris." I say and kiss both my parents on the cheek.

"Please be safe sweety. We love you," they both say. We wave at each other, then I head off to the café.

I pull in and ask Chris what booth to sit at. I go in and sit down at the booth she said. She said she was in the bathroom.

I'm just sitting there when someone walks over to me.

"Hey," Four says and sits next to me.

"Umm... Hi?" I say, awkwardly.

"Tris. Look. I know you hate me but-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his really hard, and we just start making out.

I pull away from Four and he has a huge smile on his face, and so do I.

"I'm sorry," I say, blushing.

"I liked it," Four says, smiling.

"Me too," I say.

"Tris... Wanna' be my girlfriend?" he says, laughing a bit.

"Of course!" I say, and we kiss again.

"I love you so much!" He says.

"I love you too!" I reply. "But I have bad news."

"What?" He asks, worried.

"Tomorrow's Monday!" I say, and he starts laughing and kisses me softly.

A/N: this chapter was shorter but did you like it? I hope you enjoyed it!
I'm so happy FOURTRIS!
Anyways comment what you think and
I love yall❤️
March 24, 2015, 6:45 pm

oml wth, this happened wayyyy too fast-a/n: 8/18/16

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