Chapter 28: Married

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2 years later.

Tobias' POV:

It's been 2 years since Tris left me. We've made no contact whatsoever. I guess she really hated me. All because of that accident though? There has to be something else. It doesn't matter anymore anyways.

I don't know why I still think about her. She's the one who left me. I think about her everyday though. I thought she loved me, and then she just left.

I've dated some girls since she left but it wasn't the same. I didn't feel a connection. I always felt one with Tris. I don't see the point of me living anymore.

The only main thing I do in this world is play football. Tris was right, I made it into the NFL. I wonder what she's doing in her life.

I have an idea, actually. I can look at someone's Facebook or Instagram and see if Tris is on there. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. The first person to pop into my mind is Christina.

I haven't talked to any of my old friends in a while. Anyways, I get my phone out and go to Christina's Instagram. Tris hasn't used her old Instagram, so I'm guessing she deleted, it so I had no contact at all.

I'm going through Christina's friend's list, and there is someone with the username of, Beatrice Hood. That probably isn't her...Unless, she married someone else. My heart breaks at the thought. I don't think she'd marry anyone else. Would she really move on that quickly?

I click on the account and it's private. The profile picture is of a dog. If I follow her and it's Tris then she won't accept me. I'll make a new account. I make one that doesn't have my name or anything about me.

I soon make another account and request to follow her. I hope this is her. After I do that, I get a call. It's Uriah.

"Hey dude! Long time, no see," I say.

"Yeah. It's been a while... How are you doing?" he asks, and I know what he's talking about.

"Better, I guess. My life hasn't had a big change since the event and football," I say, sadly.

"Sorry man... I was calling for something else too though," he says.

"What's that?" I ask, curiously.

"Zeke and I were wondering if you wanted to come hang. Christina, Will, Lynn, and a bunch of our old friends will be there too," he says.

"When?" I ask.

"Today. We're meeting at my house at 7:00pm," Uriah says.

"Cool. I'll be there," I say, happy that I get to hang out with my old friends again.

"See you then. Bye," he says.

I better get ready. It's 5:00 right now and it takes about an hour to get to his new house. I hop in the shower, quickly.

When I finish getting ready, I check the time. It's 5:45. I go and get in my Lamborghini and check my phone. She still hasn't accepted my request. I bet it's not even her. Why do I jump to conclusions so quickly?

I start pulling out of my drive way and go to Uriah's house.

Tris' POV:

"Wow. Calum is so nice!" Christina exclaims, and I just laugh.

"I know," I say while smiling, but I see Christina's smile soon turn into a frown.

"What is it?" I ask, concerned.

"I always thought you'd be with Four," she says.

I close my eyes slowly, "You didn't have to bring him up. You're the one who said he was cheating on me anyways, why'd you think that I'd stay with him?" I ask, confused.

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