Chapter 3: Will it Work

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Tris' POV:

I can't believe Four said that about me. He said that I was beautiful. Probably just to pity me, though.

When I get home, I slam the door and run to my room. I flop on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

"THIS AINT A SCENE, IT'S A DUN DUN ARMS RACE!" My phone rings the Fall Out Boy song.

I look at my phone, and it's Four.

Hey, sorry about last night... Can you meet me at the park at 1:00?-4

I guess..:/-T

See you then:)-4

I look at the time, and it's 11:30. I guess I better get ready.

I hop in the shower and stay in for about 10 minutes. I put on an anchor sweater and my blue jean short shorts. I put on my blue Toms and put my anchor earrings in. Then, I put on a blue anchor necklace. I put on mascara and eyeliner. Then, I put on red lipstick. I don't like a lot of makeup, but I put enough on to make me pretty.

I look at the clock and see that it's 12:45. Luckily, the park is only 5 minutes away.

I grab my phone, and I get my blue and white striped purse and head downstairs. I see my mom and dad talking.

"I'm going to the park!" I say. I wave them goodbye, and they wave back.

I get in my car and head to the park. I get my phone out and send Four a quick text.

Are you here?-T

Not yet. Almost though. Wbu?-4

Yeah. I'm sitting by the pond.-T

Ok, I'm here.-4

I finish reading the text, and then, I feel someone from behind. I turn around, swinging a punch, but the person ducks and then comes back up.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I exclaim. It's Four.

"You literally just texted that," I say.

"Yeah, I've actually been here," He says.

"We're you watching me?" I ask, awkwardly.

"No," He laughs. Then some chick comes up and says, "Four. Babe, let's go."

He turns around and says, "Hold on."

My smile turns into a frown and I say, "Is that why you wanted me to come? So you could show me that you already have another girlfriend?" A tear runs down my face, slowly.

"No. She isn't my girlfriend," He says, acting confused.

"She called you babe. And you didn't even notice?" I ask.

"I noticed, but I'm not dating her. She's drunk. That's why she said that," He says, calmly.

"Whatever, can you just leave me alone? Please don't talk to me. Ever," I say. I get up and start walking away.

"Tris, wait please!" I just ignore him. "I love you," He shouts.

I stop and turn around. "Stop! Just stop messing with me, please!" I yell back and burst into tears. My heart hurts so bad. It just broke in half completely.

I turn back around and start walking to my car. I get in and hit my head on my steering wheel while crying. I hear the door open, and I don't even look to see who it is. I already know.

"Get out," I say, crying my eyes out.

"Tris." Then I notice it isn't Four. It's Christina.

I look up. "Please go, Chris. I hate myself," I say as tears flow everywhere.

"Don't hate yourself. I love you. You're like a sister to me. You can talk to me, what happened?" She questions.

I take a deep breath and explain what happened.

"And when I was walking away... He said that he loved me, and I told him to stop messing with me," I explain, trying to steady my breathing.

"Oh honey," Christina says, sadly. "Just give him one more chance. Please. I don't think he meant to hurt you."

"But he did! If he doesn't like me, then he should just straight up tell me. I would understand," I say calmly. "But thanks Chris." I force a smile and hug her.

"One more chance," She says and leaves.

I drive home, and you can tell I was crying because mom says, "Tris, honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say, smiling.

"You can tell us anything," My dad says.

"I'm seriously okay! Thanks for asking though," I say, smiling and run upstairs. I sit against my bed and burst into tears.

Why would he do this?

I go to my bathroom and get some pills out. No one cares about me. What's the point in living? I take around 7 or 8 pills, and I hope to die. I just pass out... At least that's what it seems.

A/N: How was that? Are you liking the story?
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I love yall!❤️

a/n;7/18/16: so dramatic🙄

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