Chapter 31: Tomorrow

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Tobias' POV:

"You're kidding me right?" I get out.

"Dude, I'm sorry. I didn't think you were going to wake up, and I thought you didn't like each other anymore and-"

"Shut up," I say, cutting him off, "what about Shauna?"

"I was going to break up with her if I got Tris to date me," he says.

I shake my head, "Zeke, we were best friends and you did that. You know I love her still. Just think about Shauna too though. How is she going to react? You're going to ruin her life."

He just looks at the ground, "I don't know what to do, dude."

"Just go. Leave and never come back. I know it's hard to believe that I'm saying this to you, but I am," I say, and I can't believe I'm saying this myself.

Zeke has been my best friend ever since we met. I guess things just don't work out.

"I'm really sorry," he says, while running his finger through his black hair. (A/N: I kind of imagine Zeke as Zayn Malik. He's the one who left 1D btw. lol.)

"You know I still love Tris. Why would you do that?" I ask, confused.

"Because I'm stupid and a horrible friend," he says, admitting the truth.

I nod my head, "Now leave. I don't want to see you ever again."

He nods his head and walks out of the room, slowly. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.

If he was sorry, then he wouldn't have tried to kiss the woman that I'm in love with. I just need rest right now. I'll figure all this crap out later.

I close my eyes, so I can fall asleep. Soon enough I do, and it's nice not having to deal with crap in your sleep.

Tris' POV:

I hate Zeke now. I thought he was trying to support me, not fall in love with me and turn on his bestfriend.

As I'm sitting in the waiting room again, Zeke walks in.

"Tris, I'm so sorry. I didn-"

I cut him off and say, "You already ruined everything, Zeke! Leave me alone now! I can't believe you did that to the both of us!"

"I-I," he stutters.

"Leave!" I shout. When he leaves, I burst into tears.

Someone taps on my shoulder, and I look up instantly. "What?" I scowl.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you're going to have to leave now," the doctor says to me.

I nod my head and wipe my eyes. "I'm sorry for acting like this," I say.

"It's okay. If I were in your position, I'd probably do the same thing," she says.

I get up and start walking towards the door. "Ma'am?" the doctor, says as I'm walking.

I stop and turn around. "Yes?" I question.

"Where have I heard his name before? Four Eaton? That's who you're here for right?" she asks.

I nod my head, "He plays for the NFL." I slightly smile.

"That's it," she replies, "why is he here though? I would at least think that he'd live more in downtown Chicago."

"It's a long story. I don't know where he lives now, but I'd say it's probably around there. I'm not sure though," I say and then memories start flooding into my mind about when we lived in that house together.

Whenever we were kidnapped. I remember that. Then I start to think about that night. The night that changed it all. I understand that he didn't mean to hurt me at all. I wouldn't have left, but when I went to Christina's, she told me he was cheating on me.

I don't know why she did that. I would've never done that to her.

Tobias and I would've been married right now. We'd probably be cuddling at home if it wasn't for Christina. We wouldn't be in the hospital right now. Zeke wouldn't have kissed me here. This wasn't supposed to happen.

It's never going to be good like before ever again. I don't see how we can ever get back together after all that's happened.

I'm also still married to Calum. I'm going to get a divorce obviously, because I don't want anything to do with him. He's a psycho path that is just another obstacle in my life. I don't want to get hurt anymore, mentally and physically.

My eyes start to well up with tears. "I better be going," I say and rush to my car.

Hopefully, he will still want to see me tomorrow. I'm coming back anyways, because we still need to talk about some things. Let's just see how tomorrow goes.

A/N: Sorry for short, crappy chapter. I'll try to update again soon.
May 16, 2015, 12:49pm

a/n 08/30/16: wth whyd she have to leave😂 hospitals dont close oml i was dumb

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