Chapter 33: The Kiss

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Tobias' POV:

Uriah left, so it's just Tris and I again. I sigh and look over to Tris.

She's sitting in a chair, looking at her phone.

"How about that kiss now?" I say while smirking.

She looks up at me and shakes her head, laughing.

"We got interrupted every other time, so you know..." I trail off.

She sighs and stands up. She walks over to me and takes my hand.

"How about we don't get interrupted?" she says.

I nod and smile at her.

"We won't get interrupted, because we aren't going to kiss." she says and sits back down.

"Tris, stop doing this to me," I complain.

She looks up at me and smirks. I glare at her, and she just laughs.

"I guess I should go now. It's almost 10:00. I'll come see you tomorrow," she says after a while.

I frown, "You can just sleep here, can't you?" I don't want her to leave. I'm too afraid that someone will hurt her while she's gone. Just because we aren't dating doesn't mean I still can't protect her.

"No. Sorry, I have to leave," she says and starts walking towards the door.

"Wait!" I exclaim. She turns around, and I say, "If you go, then you have to bring me."

"Um, why?" she asks, confused.

"I don't want you getting hurt like earlier..." I say, honestly.

"You wouldn't be able to do anything anyways. You got shot Tobias. Someone would take it to an advantage. But trust me, I'll be fine."

"Tris, I can get them to let you stay! Please," I start to blab on more, but she comes over and grabs my face. Then she presses her lips to mine, and I deepen it.

Then she pulls away, "I'll be okay," she says and walks out. I don't stop her, because I'm shocked that she actually kissed me. Woah... I'm still processing it...

I smile and realize that the faster I go to sleep, the sooner I get to see Tris.

Tris' POV:

Wow. I really just did that... Tomorrow is going to be awkward for me. I'm so stupid.

You know... I actually really liked it. I never wanted to stop, because he is such a great kisser.

I remember the last time we kissed, not including just now, but when I left him... I shouldn't have left. I know I say how stupid I am like all the time, but how can I not?

I wish Tobias and I were still together. I know he wishes that too, but I don't know how it'll work.

I made the biggest mistake that someone could ever make. He wasn't even abusive, but I just suspected that he was going to be, because he accidentally slapped me.

We were just kidnapped. He was kidnapped in the house. Of course his first instinct would be to slap or punch someone. If he would've looked before he swung then maybe, he wouldn't have hurt me. Plus, he was half asleep.

I just want to get home and sleep. It's been a long day. I still need to get a divorce with the psycho, Calum, and figure out what's going on with my life.

I pull into Uriah's house and get out of my car. After all, I don't have a house here anymore. Technically, Uriah's house is my home, until I do something.

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