Chapter 21: Moving Out

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Tris' POV:

I walk outside to see what the noise was. When I get out there, Tobias is sitting back on the swing, looking irritated.

My mother is standing in front of him, and I already know what her face looks like.

"Wow. You're so mature," Tobias says, sarcastically.

"Well, now you can't go anywhere. You're going to have to crawl now," she says while laughing.

I look around and realize that she threw his crutches in the yard.

"Really mom?" I say like she's stupid. She is.

I go and get his crutches and walk back up the porch.

I roll my eyes and push her out of the way... again.

"Leave us alone," I say.

"Leave my house," she says back.

"I will after we get our stuff! Now leave us alone!" I exclaim.

"Whatever," she says and rolls her eyes. She walks back inside the house and slams the door.

"Sorry," I say while frowning.

"It's okay," Tobias says. I give him his crutches and he stands up, using them for support.

I go to the door, and as I'm about to open it, he stops.

"You okay?" I ask.

He nods his head. I walk over to him and look him in the eyes.

"Tobias?" I say. He grabs me quickly and loses his balance from letting go of his crutches. He falls back on the swing, and I fall on top of him.

He just starts to laugh, and I act like I'm punching him in the face. He continues to laugh and then grabs my face, making me stop.

He pulls me into kiss him, but I try to pull away.

"You just made me fall! You don't deserve a kiss!" I exclaim.

"Don't I always deserve one though? And also, I'm the one with a broken foot, don't think falling on top of me is that bad," he says while laughing.

I sigh, "Okay," and kiss him lightly.

"Now come on, my mom is going to get even angrier," I say while laughing. I get off of him and give him his crutches, once again.

He doesn't get up so I say, "We can kiss all you want whenever we leave."

His attention shoots up, and he gets up as fast as possible. I start to laugh, and I actually open the door this time.

"Coming!" he exclaims.

We go up to my room and start to pack our stuff. Most of it's mine, but he has some stuff that he left here. We put our stuff in bags and boxes that were randomly in my room.

Caleb helps me carry the boxes, since Tobias is broken. Soon, we get the last box in my car, and I sigh of relief.

Tobias comes down and walks towards me. "Let's go!" I exclaim, and I walk to my car.

Tobias follows me at his "quick" pace. He can go pretty fast on the crutches though.

Anyways, I get in the driver's seat, and Tobias soon gets in too.

"So, where are we going?" Tobias asks.

"I guess we could go to Christina's," I say like a question.

"Or Zeke's house," he says.

"Uriah is going to have to leave you alone," I say, seriously.

He laughs and says, "I know you'll make sure of that."

"Oh, I will." I say while smiling.

A/N: Hola people! I hope you liked this chapter! Okay so you can comment what character you want me to make an edit of next! There is still like Al, Lynn, Marlene, etc. I can't do Zeke because there is not an actor to play him because they leave him out of movies😭😢! I love Zeke so much! Anyways, thank you guys so much for being amazing!
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I love yall❤️
May 16, 2015, 12:41pm

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