Chapter 32: Fake Secrets

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Tris' POV:

I arrive back at the hospital and get out of my car. I stand up and look around. Then someone runs up and pushes me into my car. I gasp and turn around.

"Miss me babe?" Calum smirks.

"Get off of me!" I exclaim. I feel my eyes start to burn, and I don't know what to do.

"Get back in the car," he says.

"No," I say.

He looks down at his pocket and I look to see what it is. He has a knife, and he says, "Get in the car now."

I just nod my head and he leads me to the passenger side. He starts to walk back to the driver's side, and I open the door fast and begin to run towards the hospital.

"Help!" I shout, repeatedly.

A doctor runs towards me, "Calm down ma'am. Where is your car?"

"I'm not here because someone is hurt! He's a psycho path!" I scream, pointing at Calum.

He runs up and says, "Sorry ma'am. My wife accidentally took something, and now she's going all crazy."

"What? Leave me alone!" I shout at him and try running inside.

"You need to leave please," the doctor says.

"No! I came here to see somebody, and he came after me! He's supposed to be in jail!" I exclaim.

She looks at Calum, and he shakes his head saying, "See, she doesn't even know what she's talking about."

The doctor nods her head, "Who did you come to see?"

"Tobias Eaton. He goes by Four," I say, trying to calm down.

"Oh! Okay then. First we are going to have to do a drug test though," she says.

"That's perfectly fine, because I'm not on drugs!" I exclaim, relieved they are going to do one.

"Follow me." she says, and I follow behind her quickly. "Please stay here," she tells Calum.

He does as she says and sits down. I follow the doctor into another room.

"I know who you are, and I know you aren't on drugs," she says, soon after closing the door.

"Oh my gosh, please help me! He's crazy!" I cry.

"Don't worry, I already told someone to call 911. They are on their way," she says.

I sigh in relief, "Thank you so much."

She nods her head, "You stay here, okay?"

"Okay," I nod.

She leaves the room and probably goes back out to Calum.

Soon I hear sirens and yelling.


Almost killing someone is not right. What the crap is wrong with him? I can't believe I married a psycho path.

I feel so bad. I love Tobias... Well loved... I'm not sure what I feel now.

If I didn't leave, then everything would be okay right now. Tobias and I would be together. I ruined it though...

There's no going back to how things were before. At least not since I left him.

I'm such an idiot. Why do I have to be so stupid?

I just want to see him. Tears start to pour out of my eyes, and I remember when Tobias would wipe my tears.

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