Chapter 26: Leaving Again

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One week later.

Tris' POV:

"Tobias!" I yell across the house.

"What?" he yells back.

"Come here!" I shout.

He comes into the kitchen and looks very tired.

"What? Tris, I'm trying to sleep," he says while yawning.

"I know but I can't reach the cereal," I say while pouting.

"You're kidding me right?" Tobias says and looks ticked off. I shake my head and bite my lip.

He walks over to the fridge and grabs it. Before he turns around though, I go up behind him and touch his back. He flinches and slaps me in the side.

"Tris! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" he exclaims and looks like he is about to cry.

He tries to hug me, but I shake my head and push him away. I walk away while holding my side.

I go to the bathroom and burst into tears. What is going on with him? He is going crazy. What happened? Is he doing this because Marcus?

I'm so confused. I take my shirt off and look in the mirror. My whole side is red. He smacked me really hard. It freaking hurts!


"What?" I ask while trying to stop crying.

"Tris, I'm sorry.... I don't know what's going on with me," he says and sounds worried.

"I don't either," I say, "please leave me alone."

"Tris, it was an accident," he says, sounding upset.

"Well you hurt me for no reason!" I yell.

"I said I didn't mean to Tris. Why would I just randomly hurt you?" he says, calmly.

"Just leave! Get away from me!" I shout.

"I'm so sorry," he says, and I hear him walk away.

---Time Lapse---

Tobias' POV:

"Dude, I don't know what to do." I say while running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm going to be honest Four, you messed up really bad," Zeke says.

"I'm aware of that." I glare at him.

"Just being honest as I said," he says back.

"I need some sleep. See you in the morning," I say and walk to Zeke's guest room.

When I get there, I get my phone and try calling Tris.

Tris' POV:

Christina said she was going to call me. I'm still sitting in the bathroom. Then, my phone rings. I instantly grab it and answer without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say.

"Tris..." I hear Tobias.

"Tobias, I don't want to talk to you," I say and my stomach churns. Tears start welling up in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Tris. I promise that all of what happened was an accident. I would never hurt you intentionally," he says.

"Well you did Four!" I yell into the phone.

"Why... That isn't my name. You are the only person who knows my real name, because I trust you," he says, sounding upset.

"Well... Maybe I don't fully trust you," I say, being honest.

Tobias' POV:

She doesn't trust me. Has she ever trusted me?

"Tris please," I say.

"This is why I wasn't sure that it was time to get married," she says while breaking my heart at every insult she says.

"You think I'm abusive?" I ask, sadly.

She doesn't reply.

"I'm not like Marcus," I say.

"Sorry Four," she says and hangs up.

I scream, angrily and throw my phone against the wall. I lie down on the bed and try to sleep. It isn't easy anymore.

Tris' POV:

I wake up and realize that my eyes are puffy from crying myself to sleep.

I get up and find some bags. I have to leave this place. I can't see Four. If he slapped me that hard last night, then there is no telling what he'll do to me. My side is still sore, and it scares me.

After I finish packing, I put all my bags in my car. I walk back inside and look around. I look at my hand and then at my ring. I don't need this anymore.

I take it off and put it on Tobias' night stand. I have to get a different number. I don't need to have any contact with him again. People may say that I'm exaggerating, but I'm scared. I don't know what to do, so it's better to just leave.

I'm leaving the man that I've loved forever. It's happening now. I never thought I'd see this day.

I get in my car and start pulling out of the drive way. Before I can, Tobias pulls in.

He gets out and opens my door before I can do anything.

"Sorry, I have to go right now," I say, avoiding eye contact.

He looks at me without saying anything. Then, he looks at my hand.

"Where's your ring?" he asks while being worried.

"Oh, I guess I left it inside. Sorry. I'll see you later I guess. I'm kind of in a hurry," I lie.

"Okay," he says, and then leans down to kiss me. One more kiss won't hurt, will it? He kisses me softly and backs off. He slightly smiles.

"I love you. Sorry for what happened... That was all an accident and mistake," he says. I try not to cry. There is so many things about Tobias that are amazing. I guess someone else will be going to experience how amazing he is.

I pull out of the drive way, ignoring what he was apologizing for. I start crying, knowing that he is totally unaware that I'm leaving for good.

A/N: Hola! This new wattpad update is killing me guys! It keeps deleting parts that I've saved and it's making me very irritated! Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days. This new update is jacking everything up so I kind of can't help it. Anyways, idk why I am doing this to myself and all of you with the story! Plot twists! Lol. So comment what you thought of this chapter and I love you all!<3
May 16, 2015, 12:45pm

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