Chapter 40: Date Night

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Tobias' POV:

"I'm so happy that Tris and I are back together dude," I say, happily.

"That's not exactly what she said man," Uriah says.

"In my world it is so shut up," I say, glaring at him.

"Okay. Chill man," Uriah says.

I sigh and say, "I probably need to get a new phone." I look at my phone, and it is completely shattered.

"Obviously," Uriah laughs. "What exactly happened?"

"Well, I was talking to my football coach, and Tris walked in and said something about that Abigail chick, and then she took my phone and threw it on the ground..." I say.

"Makes sense," Uriah says like it happens everyday.

We sit for another ten minutes or so and talk about random things when Tris walks into the room. I look her up and down and dang, she looks good.

I whistle at her, and she blushes.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask.

"Yep," she says and Uriah says, "I'll stay here and wait for you guys to get done."

"You just ruined my night," I say, looking to Uriah.

He looks confused and asks, "How?"

"Tris and I have some things to do when we get home," I smirk.

"No! Save that crap for when I'm not here," Uriah says.

I look over to Tris, and her face is bright red and she is still laughing.

"I love you Tobias, but I don't think that we will be doing anything like that tonight," Tris says.

I start to pout, and she punches me in the arm lightly. "Let's get going!" Tris exclaims, and I nod.

"See you soon Uriah," I say, and Tris and I head out the door.

I open the car door for her, and she gladly gets into the car. I walk around to the driver's seat and get in too.

"I'm so glad that I have a lovely date tonight," I say to Tris, and she smiles and says, "Me too."

"You know when you said that you don't think we will be doing anything tonight, you just said that so Uriah would chill right?" I ask.

"No, I was serious," Tris says.

"That's what you think as of right now," I smirk.

"Tobias stop!" she exclaims while laughing.

I just laugh and drive to the movie theater.

We arrive and Tris says, "What are watching?"

"What do you want to see?" I ask.

"Well, I've been wanting to see Pitch Perfect 2 if you want to watch that," she says, happily.

"That's fine with me," I smile at her.

------Time Lapse------

We walk out of the theater and walk to my car. "You hungry?" I ask when we get in.

She nods her head and says, "Oh my gosh! I loved Flula in that movie! He is perfect and amazing."

"More amazing than me?" I ask, looking over to her.

"Hmm, maybe." she says.

I gasp and say, "Thanks babe."

She smirks and says, "Yep."

"I don't know if you caught that, but it was sarcasm," I say.

"I did. No need to tell me," she smiles.

"It's hard to be mad at you, you know?" I ask.

"Really? I think it's pretty easy," she says.

I look over to her again, "Well you think wrong then."

She smiles, "Where are we going now?"

"To go eat," I say, happily.

"I know, but where?" Tris complains.

"You'll see," Is all I say.

"Tobias, please tell me!" she exclaims.

"Have some patience babe," I say.

She groans, "Okay."

Soon we arrive at the restaurant, and we go inside together. We sit at a table together and talk about stuff that we like to do and things like that. We eat our food and leave.

"Are we going home or what now?" Tris asks as I get in the car.

"I have a surprise," I smirk.

"I hate surprises! Please tell me," she begs.

"You have no patience do you woman?" I say.

"You don't have to be rude," she frowns.

"I wasn't being rude. Tris, why are you acting like this?" I ask.

"I'm not acting like anything," she says and stares out the window.

I roll my eyes and decide to drive home instead. I pull into my driveway and Tris says, "I thought we were going somewhere."

"This is somewhere isn't it?" I say, rudely.

She huffs and rolls her eyes, "You don't have to be a jerk about it."

"I'm being the jerk?" I scoff, "I was going to bring you to the beach, but not anymore. You had to get upset because you are like every other girl. Emotional and bipolar."

"Is that what you think about me? Thanks Tobias. The date was great," she says, sarcastically. She gets out of the car, and I roll my eyes. I was just being honest, and she can get over it.

I walk inside after her, and Uriah is on the couch watching TV. He watches Tris stomp by, and then looks to me with confusion.

"What did you do this time?" He asks.

"I called her bipolar and emotional, because I was going to surprise her by bringing her to the beach, but she was mad because I wouldn't tell her where we were going," I say and plop down beside Uriah.

May 18, 2015, 8:25pm

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