Chapter 8: Leaving!?

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Tris' POV:

Two months later.

So today is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow is Christmas obviously. Tobias is going to spend Christmas with my family and I, because his father doesn't even care about him.

Gosh, do you know how much I can't stand Marcus? Ugh, sorry, I just get really mad thinking about him.

But when I think about Tobias, it's a different story.

"Tris!" Caleb yells.

"What?" I yell back.

"Someone's here,"he yells again.


"See for yourself."

I walk downstairs, and I luckily look decent. I go to the door, and Tobias is there.

"Hey," I say, happily.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asks, sounding upset.

"Yeah," I walk out the door and shut it. "What's wrong?" I ask while putting my arms around his neck.

He puts his arms around my waist and says, "I'm going to Canada."

"Wait... When and why? And how long?" I ask, confused and worried.

"My flight leaves in two hours. I'm going to be there for a year at the least and to explain why. One word, Marcus," he says.

My eyes start to water, and I say, "Why is he making you go though?"

"I'm going to be staying with my aunt. And Marcus is doing some crazy things. We're going to try to get him arrested, and I'm not sure how long it'll take. I'm also going to visit my family. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

"When'd you find out?" I ask, trying not to burst into tears.

"About a month ago," he says.

"Tobias, you should've told me earlier! You're leaving me for a year, and I only get to spend less than an hour with you right now!" I say, sobbing now. By this point, my hands aren't around his neck anymore. Same with his around my waist.

"Look... I'm sorry! I promise that I'll talk to you every night and text you and do whatever you want me to do!" he says.

"I want you to stay here," I say while crying, and he hugs me tightly.

"I love you Tris. You're the only girl for me. No one can replace you," he says with tears streaming down his face.

"Please Tobias. Don't leave me!" I say, crying my eyes out at this point.

"I have to. It's either this or beatings every day and once Marcus is gone, we can be together with nothing in our way," he replies.

"Y-you can stay with me, I promise he won't hurt you! Please just don't leave me!" I sob.

"I have to go Tris,"  he says and cups my face with his warm hands. He bends down to kiss me. He kisses me softly, and I don't want the moment to ever end. He stops the kiss and hugs me tightly one last time.

He then walks back to his car and when he leaves, I'm freezing. I fall to the ground and yell, "Tobias, please!"

I just sit on the ground, sobbing in the snow, watching him drive away.

I run inside and rush to my room, trying not to let anyone see me crying. I sit on my bed, curled in a ball while crying.

Caleb walks in and says, "Tris... What happened?" he walks over to me and hugs me.

"Tobias is going to Canada," I say, crying.

"Who's Tobias?" he asks, confused.

"Four!" I shout, crying even more.

"Well... Is he moving there or...?" Caleb asks.

"He's probably gonna' be there for over a year he said," I say, even more upset.

"That's not too bad. It's okay Tris. You can get through this," Caleb tells me, trying to calm me down.

"Caleb, he's going to find someone else! He's going to forget about me!" I shout at him.

"I'm sorry Tris," is all he says. He leaves my room, and I cry myself to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys! How was that! Honestly I was trying not to cry while writing it!
How do you feel about him leaving?!
What do you think will happen?
I guess you'll have to find at! Hahaha! Lol
So comment your thoughts!
I love all you wonderful people!❤️

March 26, 2015, 11:25am

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