Chapter 51: Dinner

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Tobias' POV:

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk into the living room and see Tris, asleep on the couch.

I walk beside her and crouch down. "Come on, Tris. It's time to get up babe," I say, quietly.

She groans and squirms around. "Why?" she asks.

"We have to go eat dinner with your parents in an hour. Go get ready," I say and kiss her on the cheek.

I stand back up and begin to walk to the bedroom. I put some underwear on, then I put on some dark, skinny jeans. Like guy skinny jeans, not girl ones. You know what I mean.

I put on my red and black flannel and a beanie. The last thing to my outfit is my black vans. I never wear anything like this, but I look good. I finish getting ready, like putting on cologne and stuff. Tris walks in as I put deodorant on, and she stops.

"What?" I ask.

"That's a new look," she says.

She looks half asleep still, so I try not to laugh at her. "Yeah, you know I look sexy in it," I say.

"I didn't say that," she mumbles.

"Aren't you just sweet?" I say sarcastically. She sends me a playful glare, and I just laugh.

"I love you!" I yell as she walks into the bathroom.

"Can I get an, 'I love you' back?" I ask.

"No!" she yells.

Wow. Rude. I plop down on the bed and pull out my phone. I begin to scroll through Instagram, and I see a picture. It's of Tris and me, but neither of us posted it.

I get off the bed, and I walk into the bathroom. "Tris, look at this," I say.

I show her my phone around the shower curtain and she says, "aw, that's cute. Did you post that?"

"No. It's some account that I don't know. This is really weird," I say.

I go to their profile and all of their pictures are of Tris and me. "Babe, I think we have a stalker," I say.

"What?" she says.

I show her the profile and she says, "Seriously, Tobias, if you did this then just tell me."

"Babe, I promise you that I didn't do this," I say.

"We'll figure it out later. Let me finish showering," she says.

"Okay." I say and walk out.

------Time Lapse------

Tris and I are at the restaurant, waiting for her parents to get here. She is wearing a blue dress that looks amazing on her.

"Tobias, I'm so nervous," she says to me.

"It's going to be okay. Don't worry," I say, feeling nervous myself.

I grab her hand and rub circles on it with my thumb. "Look," she mumbles.

I look up and see Natalie and Andrew. Someone else is with them though. I can't see who, but I have a bad feeling.

"Who is with them?" I ask Tris.

She shrugs, "I can't see their face."

"Me neither," I say.

They begin to walk over to our table, and I smile. I stand up and shake both of their hands and when I look to see who the third person is, my eyes widen.

"What are you doing here?" I snap.

"Four," Tris tugs my hand.

I sit back down and glare at him. It's Marcus. I look back at Tris, and she whispers, "it's okay."

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