Chapter 49: Wedding Dress

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Tris' POV:

I walk out of the dressing room, and I wear a white, sleeveless dress that flows past my feet. It splits mid-thigh in the front and is all together in the back.

All of the girls cover their mouths when they see me. "Oh my gosh!" they squeal. I blush and spin around. "It's perfect!" I exclaim, and they all nod.

I look at myself in a mirror, and I look amazing. I'd probably look better if I wasn't pregnant, but I still look nice.

"When Four sees you he is going to die!" Marlene exclaims.

I smile, "Will he really think I'm beautiful?"

"Will he think? Honey, he'll know," Lynn says.

I just look at myself in the mirror and smile. I think that I'll actually look good for once.

"How do you think my parents will react when they find out that I'm pregnant?" I randomly ask. If you haven't noticed, I already told the rest of the girls. I haven't told my parents, but I told Caleb.

"Well, I'm not sure about you're dad, but I know that your mom will want to kill Four. When are you going to tell them, because you have to at some point," Shauna says.

"I think that I'm going to tell them tonight. I'm going to invite them to a dinner with Four and I, and I'll tell them then. I just have to get there first, so they can't see my stomach when I walk in," I say.

"Wow, you've been planning this for a while haven't you?" Christina says.

"Yep," I smirk.

They just laugh at me, and we are all quiet.

I break the silence by saying, "Well I got the dress I want so I'm going to go change, and we can leave."

They all nod, and I walk back into the dressing room. I change and walk back out with the dress in my hands. The girls smile as I go over to them, and we go up to the cashier.

"Would you like me to hold your dress until you need it?" the lady asks.

"No thank you," I say, and we buy the dress.

The girls drop me off at home and then leave. I go inside and hang the dress up in my closet. Tobias shouldn't be home right now, so I don't have to worry about him seeing it. Plus, it has a cover over it so it doesn't get ruined.

I change into some of Tobias' shorts, and I wear one of my shirts. I go plop down on the couch, and I turn Netflix on. I watch Doctor Who, and then I hear the door open.

I look up and see Uriah practically carrying Tobias, and he says, "This can be practice since you're going to be a mom soon. He's drunk."

"Really Uriah. Is this what you guys have been doing?" I ask, and he throws Tobias on the couch.

"Well, we just want him to have some fun before he is married," he says.

I roll my eyes, "Lucky him. I have all of this stress on me, and you don't even care. You know that you guys can help out too. It would be nice."

"We could... but that's too much work," he says.

I roll my eyes again and Tobias slurs, "Babe, let's go make some babies."

Uriah and I both look at him and then Uriah says, "Well, I have to go. Have a nice time making babies."

"What the heck? I'm already pregnant Uriah," I say, and he says, "Oh yeah... Well make more babies like he wants."

He is so stupid. Oh my gosh. He walks out the door, and I go and lock the door. I go sit back on the couch, and Tobias says, "You look good with my shorts on. You look even better without any though."

"Shut up," I laugh and throw a pillow at his face.

"Ow," he groans.

"That's what you get for getting drunk," I say, and he just rubs his face.

Tobias is hilarious when he is drunk though. "Tris, that really hurt," he says and starts to cry.

"It's okay baby. I didn't mean to," I say like I'm talking to a baby.

"Bea Bea, guess what happened?" he says and stops crying.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, I didn't think that you would go to the bar, but I guess I was wrong because that was the best lap dance that I've ever gotten," he says.

"Lap dance?" I ask.

"Yeah, at the club," he says.

I get up from the couch and start walking to our room. "Where are you going?" Tobias asks.

"Cheater!" I yell and slam my door. I sit on our bed and cry. I hope that he was drunk when that happened, because if he wasn't then he is going to have some serious explaining to do. I'm also going to find out what little- Nevermind, I don't need to use that language.

I need to figure out what little brat gave my fiancé a lap dance. He has a ring, so how do people not notice? Oh wait, they don't care because he is hot, and they just want a hot boyfriend that will do things with them.

I lie in my bed and listen to some music that will calm me down. I just need to sleep and get rest. I close my eyes and fall into a calm sleep.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I just didn't know what else to write for this chapter and yeah. Today just hasn't been my day. This morning my cat couldn't move his back legs and so I brought him inside because he was out. When my dad got home we brought him to the vet and found out that he had a blood clot so they had to put him down. My day hasn't really been good because it's hard losing an animal. Most of you know what I mean. Sorry for the whole description about my life lol.

Please comment. It makes me happy whenever you guys do. I love interacting with you guys so if you want to message me then I'll be glad to :) I really need you guys to cheer me up though because I've been really down.:(

I love you guys<3
May 30, 2015, 1:24am

a/n from 2016: oml i miss my kitty😭😭 (i was talking abt him in the first author's note)

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