Chapter 14: Choices

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Tris' POV:

I wake up beside Tobias. He has his arm around my waist. I smile and turn to my other side to look at him.

He opens his eyes and looks at me. He smiles and says, "Morning beautiful."

I smile back. "Good morning," I say.

"So, what do you want to do today?" he asks.

"It's up to you," I say while I kiss his forehead and get out of bed. "You should get ready first though," I say, laughing.

He groans and says, "Do I have to?"

"Unless you want to stay in bed all day," I reply.

"That's fine," he says, smirking.

I just laugh and say, "Get up."

He groans again, "Okay." he comes up behind me and puts his arms around me.

"You're so beautiful." he says while kissing my head.

I blush and say, "I wish." He lets go of me and spins me around.

"Stop wishing for things you already have," he says making me blush even more. "You're gorgeous and don't deny it."

"I'm getting in the shower," I say,"you can use the one downstairs, or you can use Caleb's."

"Okay," he says while smiling, "love you."

He leaves my room and walks downstairs. I hop in my shower for about 5 minutes. I get out and put on a graphic tee that says, We Are Like Young Volcanoes. Then I put on shorts and my black vans.

I go to the bathroom and put on my regular make up. When I walk out, Tobias is sitting on my bed looking around. Then he looks at me and smiles.

"You look beautiful as always," he says, making me blush... again.

"You need to stop making me blush," I say, smiling.

"How can I lie about you? I have to admit the truth," he smirks.

"Or you could hold in the truth," I say, smirking back.

"Oh but I can't," he says.

"Tobias, stop!" I exclaim.

He stands up and walks to me, "Make me."

"You might not want me to," I say.

"What would you do," he asks, still smirking.

"You don't wanna know," I say, laughing. "Come on! Let's go do something!" I exclaim.

------Time Lapse------

"How are you so good at water skiing? You said you haven't been before," I say, confused.

"I haven't. I just got the hang of it," Tobias says, chuckling.

"You should've seen me. I was really bad," I say.

"I did see you," he says, laughing.

"Shut up," I mumble and laugh silently.

"It's okay," he exclaims.

"Whatever," I say, smiling.

"Tris..." Tobias says.

"Tobias..." I say back.

"I love you so much. You mean everything to me," he says.

"I love you too, Tobias. Where are you going with this?" I ask.

"Don't ruin the moment," he exclaims, "and it isn't going anywhere."

He leans down and kisses me softly. He deepens it, but I pull away.

"What?" he asks, saddened.

"You know... We weren't even dating for a year... Why'd you propose so early?" I ask, confused.

"Tris, I don't want to lose you... I need to make sure we'll be together forever..." he says, sounding upset. "Do you think it's too early to get married?"

"I-I don't know... It's all happening so fast..." I say, frowning.

"Well... If you aren't ready... We can wait a while... I mean if you want..." he says, frowning back.

"I gotta' go. You should go hang with Zeke or something," I say and walk away from him. "I'll be at Christina's. Love you... Bye."

"Love you too," he says, upset.

Today has been a great day... Of course. I had to ruin it! He's not going to want to be with someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

I get in my car and look at my ring. I'm not sure what to do anymore...

A/N: Hey guys. I don't even know why I'm making new this sad! Ugh omg. I'm sad when they are like oh no even though it's my decision on how the story goes! Hahaha! Idek anymore! Lol! Oh and the picture of the ring is Tris' engagement ring! Obviously but just letting you know!
Comment what you think!
Love you all❤️

March 31, 2015, 10:18pm

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