Chapter 17: Broken Bones

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Tobias' POV:

I wake up to Tris beside me. She looks so peaceful in her sleep. She's so beautiful. I put my arm around her and smile.

Her eyes flutter open and she looks around. Then she looks at me and locks her attention on me and smiles.

"Good morning," I say, like usual.

"Morning," she says back, cuddling closer to me. I wrap my arms around her tightly.

"I'm so tired," she mumbles into my chest.

"Yeah... Last night was rough," I say, frowning.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asks, sounding upset.

"Yes, I'm fine..." I say, hesitating a bit.

She pulls away from me and has a sad look on her face.

"We should bring you to a hospital or something. I can tell when you're lying," she says, sounding even more concerned.

"It's okay. We don't need to go. I promise, I'm fine," I say. She brings her hand to my head and puts a little pressure on where I got hit. I wince whenever she touches it.

"Come on," she says, getting out of bed. "We're going whether you like it or not."

"Tris, I'm fine. It just happened yesterday. Of course it's going to hurt still," I say.

"Tobias, I don't care. I worry about you so much. I don't want to lose you. I said that last night and you said the same thing. So please... Do this for me," she says, hesitating.

I just nod my head and start to get out of bed. I try to stand up but my ankle hurts really bad. "Ah," I sit back on the bed.

Tris walks over to me. "What happened to your ankle?" she asks, worried.

"I don't know... It wasn't like this last night," I say, confused.

"Yeah. We're leaving. I'll get you some clothes," she says and walks into her closet. She comes out with some sweatpants and a T-shirt. Just normal clothing.

"I'll be right back," Tris says and walks downstairs. Oh gosh... How am I gonna' walk downstairs. This is going to be tricky.

------Time Lapse-------

We pull into the hospital. I don't think we should've came here. We should've just went to the doctor's office. But you now how Tris is... You gotta' make sure you're okay. And apparently this is the smartest place.

Tris gets out and walks around to my door. I open it before she can for me... That should be the other way around.

I stand up, and she puts her arm around me for support. "Come on," she says.

I walk/limp into the building. She tells me to sit in a chair, and I do as she says. She walks up to the front desk and talks and stuff. I'm not really sure.

I shut my eyes slowly and drift to sleep. I wake up suddenly to Tris shaking me.

"Tobias, get up," she says.

"I am," I groan and rub my eyes.

"We have to go see the doctor now," she says, holding her hand out for me to grab. I don't hesitate and take it.

Luckily the walk isn't that long to the room. We walk, well Tris walks and I limp, into the room.

I sit on the hospital bed. Tris sits in the chair.

"So you're injuries are your head and ankle," the doctor asks.

"Yes sir," I say, looking at the ground.

"Why didn't you just go to the doctor's office instead of the hospital?" he asks, confused.

I look at Tris and she looks back at me. "I told her we could go there instead."

"Worried girlfriends? Okay, I understand," he says.

"Actually, fiancé," Tris says, smiling.

"Okay! So we're going to take an x-Ray of your ankle, follow me," he says and hands me crutches.

After the x-Ray, Tris and I go sit back on the room.

"Well, your ankle is broken and your head is just swollen. You need to get home and rest. Put ice on your head and ankle," he says. "Keep the crutches," he says and winks at me. What the heck?

A/N: Hey guys! Did you like that chapter? Nothing really happened but I guess it was just a filler! So oh no he broke his ankle! What about football? College is coming soon so..., we'll see!
Comment all thoughts!
I love you all!❤️
May 16, 2015 12:37pm

a/n 8-25-16: oml the edits are killing me😩😩😂

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