Chapter 10: Graduation

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Tris' POV:

This is 5 months later to graduation...It's May now... (A/N: sorry for the big time gap!)

It's graduation day, and I'm so excited. Tobias and I promised we would graduate together but...

I'm not going to be down today. It's going to be a good day.

I take a quick shower. I put on my black graduation robe. I go to the bathroom and dry my hair. When I finish drying it, I straighten it.

I put on mascara and eyeliner like always, then I put on red lipstick. I then put on my cap and decide that I look good.

I go downstairs and eat a good breakfast.

"You look amazing sweetheart," my mother says, and my dad nods.

"Thank you! I actually tried today," I say, laughing.

"So are you excited?"

"Well... Yes but at the same time, I'm nervous." I say, getting the chills.

"Trust me. I know you'll be fine. You're my brave little Beatrice!" my dad exclaims.

"Dad! Just call me Tris," I say, laughing. "Looks like I have to go! I'll see you there. Love you," I say and wave to my parents.

I get in my car and drive to graduation. When I get there I see the group. "Hey guys," I say.

"Hey Tris!" they all exclaim.

"OMG! TRIS! You look so beautiful!" Christina squeals.

"Thanks Chris! So do you except you squeal really loud." I say, laughing.

I walk over to them, and we take our seats. As I'm looking around, I see my parents get here, and they take a seat.

Christina is on my left and there is an empty seat on my right. Tobias was supposed to sit here... Okay Tris! Don't think about that! I tell myself.

The principal walks to the stage and says all this stuff and soon enough he starts calling out names.

He calls some random people's names, then he calls our group.

"Beatrice Prior," soon enough he calls my name. I walk up to the stage and say a few words.

I go sit back down and he says, "Four Eaton."

They know he moved right? I look at the group and they look confused. I look back up and Four is there.

I put my hands over my mouth and burst into tears. After he gets off stage, he runs to me. He picks me up and spins me around.

"I missed you so much!" I say, crying my eyes out. He hugs me very tightly, and we just stand there, swaying back and forth.

"Well I did promised to graduate with you," he says, smirking.

I look up at him and kiss him really hard. We kiss for who knows how long. Then we hear the principal say, "I congratulate the graduating class of 2015."

Tobias takes my hat and throws it in the air, so I take his and do the same.

"Tobias," I say.

"Tris," he says back.

"I love you," I smile.

"I love you too," he says, smiling and kisses me softly.

A/N: HEY GUYS! Sorry this chapter wasn't as long! I think it was a good one though since they reunited!
But for how long?!
Hahahahaha lol.
Only I know for sure!
So do you want me to keep writing more? I'm probably going to anyways lol!
Well comment your thoughts!
I love you all!❤️

March 26, 2015, 11:39am

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