Chapter 25: Hospital

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Tobias' POV:

I wake up, and it's really bright. I don't know what happened last night. Tris and I were running, and then we just fell. At least I did.

I get my eyes open all the way, finally, and look around. I'm in a hospital... Tris... Where's Tris?

"Tris!" I shout and when I get out of bed, a bunch of people come in and make me sit back down.

"I need Tris! Where is she?" I say, and they look confused.

"I'm sorry sir. We don't have someone named Tris here," a doctor says, looking confused.

No. They did what they were going to do at first... I'm so stupid. I just... I don't know. They have the one person I love.

"I have to get out of here!" I shout at them.

"You can't leave, I'm sorry," another says.

"They have her! My fiancé! They are going to do bad things to her!" I shout and push them out of the way.

I try to get out of the hospital, but people grab me.

"You will die if you leave. We can't let you die," a familiar voice says from behind.

"Why do you care?" I snap and look at his horrid face.

"I'm different now," Marcus says.

"So am I, and I have to save Tris. She's in the place that I was in whenever I lived with you," I say while glaring at him.

He just says, "Let him go." They let me go, and I jerk away.

"Tobias," Marcus says.

"It's Four. I'm not Tobias to you anymore. I never was anyways," I say, angrily.

"I'm going to call the police to come and give you a ride to the place she is at. The police will help you save her," he says, trying to be nice.

I nod and start walking outside.

Soon, the police show up and tell me to get in. I sit in the car, and I look up at the cop.

"What's the address she is at?" he asks.

"I don't know. They didn't let me see anything outside. What I do know is, it's a barn and it's very big," I say, trying to remember it.

He nods, "Is that all you know?" he asks.

"Yes sir," I say.

"I have an idea of where you are talking about. Many people report to me about it. About how it's creepy and sometimes noises come from it. Not to scare you or anything but you need to know the truth," he says.

"Okay," is all I say.

Tris' POV:

"What did you do to Tobias?" I ask while being mad and worried.

"We let him go. Just like you wanted, I mean we wanted. Because now you aren't going to be saved," a man that I don't know says.

"Who are you?" I spit.

"My name is Zachary," he says while smirking.

I just glare at him.

"I need to use the bathroom," I say.

"How bad?" he asks.

"I can't hold it anymore," I say, acting like I'm going to use the bathroom on myself.

"Come on," he says and unties me.

He leads me to the "bathroom" in silence.

He clears his throat and says, "Beatrice, you are so beautiful. Can you just be with me? We can leave this place and go far away from here."

I just look at him in shock and say, "I'm sorry, but I'm in love with someone else."

He looks angry and pushes me into the wall. He starts kissing me, but someone pulls him off.

"Don't you dare touch her," he says in a scary voice. I can't see who it is, but I already know.

"Tobias?" I whisper.

I run into his arms, and he hugs me tightly.

"I never want to let go," I mumble into his chest while crying.

"We can continue our moment at home but we need to leave," Tobias says. He's so warm. I only have on my undergarments because they made me take off my clothes. Tobias gives me his jacket, and I wrap it around me.

Two police officers escort us out of the barn, and we get into a cop car. I snuggle close to Tobias. "I was so scared," I whisper.

"We're safe now. I'll protect you better from now on," he says and sounds upset.

"Why did you go back inside?" I ask, "what happened?"

"I was going to find a weapon, but when I went in, they knocked me out. What did they do to you?" he asks concerned.

"They tried things... But I didn't let them do anything. I struggled so nothing could really go on..." I say and trail off.

"I'm so sorry," Tobias says and hugs me tighter beside him. I just lay my head on his shoulders and fall asleep.

------Time Lapse------

"Tris, wake up," I hear Tobias softly whisper into my ear.

I wake up and see that we are at the hospital. I groan and try falling back asleep.

"Come on," he says and picks me up out of the car. I groan again.

He carries me into the hospital, "I'll walk now," I whisper into his ear.

He nods and sets me down, and we walk in, following the police officer who brought us here. I'm guessing he already told them that we'd be here, because we go straight to a room.

I'm not hurt really bad, but they need to check on my health and stuff like that. I just can't wait to get home.

We walk into the room, and we sit there in silence for a little, until a doctor comes in.

"Okay, so I'm going to be asking you questions about what happened, and what happened to your health," she says, instantly.

She asks the first question, and I answer it with a simple answer. I just want to leave all of this misery.

A/N: Hola friends! Oh my goodness, I don't even know what I'm doing right now. Like I'm aware of the story but I have school and I probably need to go to bed lol! Well, I'm going to go! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow! Just remember guys, you are perfect no matter what! I'm not sure why I'm talking about that but I feel like there is someone reading this right now who needs the truth! Thank you guys so much for reading! Please comment what you thought of the chapter! I love every single one of you! <3
May 16, 2015, 12:44pm

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