Chapter 12: BFFs

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Tris' POV:

Today I'm going to be hanging with my girls! Christina, Shauna, Lynn, and Marlene.

Tobias is hanging with the other guys.

"What are we going to do today?" I ask.

"Let's go shopping!" Christina squeals.

"No," we all say in unison.

"Why not?" Christina pouts.

"Let's do something fun," Lynn says, happily. Woah, Lynn's in a good mood.

"That is fun!" Christina exclaims. We just roll our eyes and laugh.

"We should play laser tag," I say.

"Yes!" they all say back.

"Remember in Highschool when we all went and played laser tag?" Shauna asks.

"The only difference is we were with the boys." Marlene says back. We all nod our heads. Those were good times.

We all get in my car, then we head off to laser tag.

------Time Lapse------

"Code name?" The man at the front asks me.

"Tris," I say.

He hands me a piece of plastic with a metal piece, so I can activate my gun. We follow a guy into a room, and he goes over rules.

Then we go get our vests and start to run to find a good place to go. I run up a ramp and shoot at people as a go by.

I shoot some little kid and he shouts, "Dude! Get her!" Then another kid comes running after me, and I run as fast as I can.

I'm soon trapped in a corner, and I crouch and get ready to shoot him. He runs around the corner and shoots at me crazily.

Then he gets me. "Haha!" He exclaims and runs away.

I have a penalty of five seconds and then regenerate. I run around then I see Christina. I shoot at her and hit her. "Tris! How could you?" She says and slowly falls to the ground.

I start laughing and run away. Soon the game is over and we go out to see our scores.

1. Lynn
2. Tris
3. Dauntless
4. Shauna
5. Patrick
6. Bruh
7. Marlene
8. Unicorn
9. Pansy cake
10. Christina
The rest are people that I don't know. Wow. We didn't do that bad.

------Time lapse------

As I'm driving home after dropping the girls off, I get a call.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Tris..." someone says.

"Zeke? Is that you?" I ask.

"Yeah..." he says, sounding upset.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, worried a bit.

"No... It's Four. Can you come to the hospital?" He says and my heart drops.

"I'm on my way now!" I say, hesitating.

I rush to the hospital and when I get there, Zeke and Uriah are waiting outside.

I get out of my car and run over to them. "What happened?" I ask, panicking.

They look at the ground and then Uriah says, "We were sitting at our house with Will and someone bursted in the doors. They had a gun and pointed it directly at Four and... Fired it."

"Oh my gosh..." I say and start crying my eyes out. "I have to see him!" I say about to run past them, but Zeke stops me.

"He's gone Tris," he says, and I fall into his arms.

This can't be right. Why would someone do this? Oh my gosh... What am I gonna' do. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

A/N: Hey Guys!
Ooh! A cliffhanger! Hehe!
So what do you think is going to happen? I already know! I was going to put it in this chapter but I wanted to leave you stranded! I'll post ASAP! I would've yesterday but I was at my friend's house and we went and played laser tag so that inspired me to write about laser tag!
It was really funny because me and one of my friends teamed up for all the games and on the last one I was Four and she was Tris because we have no life!

Anyways! Comment what you think!

I love you all!❤️

March 28, 2015 9:50pm

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