Chapter 53: Apologies

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Tobias' POV:

Tomorrow is our one year anniversary, and I can't wait to surprise Tris! I hope she remembers though, because she seemed clueless.

My favorite number is seventeen just for her. You know, since it's our anniversary date. I drive to the store and pick some things up.

I buy some candles, flowers, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm going to cook her dinner also. Hopefully I do good.

I'm going to cook some spaghetti, so I don't know how I'd mess up. Anyways, I grab the proper ingredients and head out of the store.

I'm putting the groceries into my car as someone walks towards me. I turn to see who it is, and I see Cara walking over to me.

I roll my eyes and put my cart up. I walk back to my car, and she's standing at my door.

"What?" I ask.

"What is this?!" she exclaims and hands me a newspaper.

I take it and it says, "Welcome the new Eaton."

I smile and see Tris' picture with me. "Well?" Cara exclaims.

"Well what? Yeah, we're getting married. Got a problem?" I ask.

"Four, you were dating me for a year and left me for that slut!" she exclaims.

"Slut? Are you serious Cara?" I say.

"Yeah. Do you know how many guys she slept with?" she asks.

"Just shut up. I'm the only one that she slept with," I say and push her away.

"Then what's this?" she says. She hands me her phone and it's a picture of Tris kissing Zeke.

"This is bull. You're so unbelievable!" I yell and toss her phone back.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes and says, "come back when you realize that you want me."

I roll my eyes and get in my car. I begin to drive away, pissed. Why is she f*cking like that? I can't stand her.

She just ruined my night. It'll get better when I see Tris though. I drive home safely and unlock the door.

I carry the bags of groceries in quietly and lock my car. I lock the front door also and walk back into the kitchen. I put the stuff up quietly, and I hide the flowers and candles.

I walk into the living room and see Tris, sound asleep on the couch and I smile. I walk over to her and crouch beside her.

"Tris," I whisper.

She doesn't respond, so I say it again. I run my hand through her hair and kiss her on the cheek. She screams and slaps me very hard.

I back away fast, and she sits up quickly. Her breathing is heavy, and she's freaking out. "Tris, it's okay," I say, and she looks at me instantly.

"Tobias! Help me! He just touched me and, and-" I cut her off, "That was me... Who are you talking about?"

She gasps and says, "I'm so sorry! I just slapped you didn't I?"

I nod my head and she starts to cry, "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me-" I cut her off again and walk over to her.

"Tris, I know you didn't mean to do that. Calm down," I say calmly. "Who did you think was touching you?"

She breathes heavily and tears roll shakily down her face. "I don't know. I keep having these dreams. What do they mean?" she cries.

"I don't know. You can tell me about it, I mean, if you're comfortable with it," I say, scratching the back of my neck.

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