Chapter 7: Fall break

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Tris' POV:

Today I'm going on a picnic with Tobias. I wake up and get in the shower.

It still feels good out so I wear a long, white strapless dress that has a brown belt around the waist. I put on a matching necklace and brown sandals to go with it also.

I go to the bathroom and curl my hair. Then I put on eyeliner and mascara. Then I put some light pink lipgloss on.

I grab my purse and phone and go downstairs.

"Why are you all dressed up?" mom asks.

"I'm going on a picnic," I says, smiling.

"With who?" my mom asks.

"To- Four!" I exclaim, almost saying Tobias. He told me not to tell anyone.

"So are you two dating now? Why didn't you tell me?" she asks.

"Well he just asked me out last Sunday. I wasn't sure when to tell you," I say, smiling a little.

"Well it's about time," my mother says. It's Monday of fall break right now.

*knock knock*

I go to the door and open it. Tobias stands there, smiling and looks at me.

"Wow. You look amazing," he says, making me blush.

"Thank you. And so do you," I say, smiling.

He takes my hand and brings me to his car. We get in and drive to the park.

We get there and then get the stuff for the picnic. Tobias holds my hand, and we walk until we find a good place.

"Here," I exclaim, "this is perfect."

We set up our blanket and food and stuff. Then we eat and talk.

I'm just sitting there eating, and then I look up and Tobias is staring at me.

"What?" I ask with my face full of food.

He laughs and says, "I just love you."

"I love you too." I say smiling. Then we pick up all the food and garbage on the blanket and put it in the picnic basket.

We lay on the blanket and look at the clouds. I turn and look at Tobias and he looks at me. I just smile, and he smiles back. I sit up and look around.

"What is it?" he says and looks around after me.

"Nothing," I say. He looks at me and laughs. Then he leans into kiss me, and I just sit there. He expects me to kiss him back, but I decide to tease him.

He opens his eyes and sees that I'm looking around again.

"It's so pretty," I say.

"What? You?" he says, making me blush and smile.

"No! Out here," I exclaim.

"Well, so are you," he says, making me smile. "Tris!" he shouts.

"What?" I turn around, and he kisses me. I pull back and push him playfully while he laughs.

"You're a arse," I exclaim.

"Oh, I know," he says while laughing.

We stand up to get our stuff, and as we are walking back to the car, Tobias stops. "You okay?" I ask.

He nods his head and pulls me in for a kiss, so I finally kiss him back. He kisses me softly and then he deepens it. I pull away and say, "Save that for the car," while winking.

He smirks and says, "Okay."

We get in the car and Tobias just sits there, looking at me. "I was kidding," I say.

"You should've said that," he says and leans his cheek in for me to kiss him. I go to kiss him on the cheek, but he turns his head and makes me kiss his lips.

"Tobias!" I exclaim. He just laughs and pulls out of the place.

As we are driving he says, "Marcus isn't home. Wanna' come over?" he asks.

I nod and say, "Sure."

We get to his house, and we go to his room.

"You know what I just realized?" I say while looking around the room.

"What?" he asks.

"I've only been here like once or twice," I say.

"Well maybe you should come more often," he says smiling.

"I love you, Tobias," I say.

"I love you too, Beatrice." he says while making me laugh. His lips brush against mine softly, and then we deepen it.

He's so amazing.

A/N: How was that? I'm at my cousins house and she's playing minecraft so I just started to write!
Anyways! Comment what you think!

I love you guys!❤️
March 25, 2015, 10:43 pm

a/n: dude the first bunch of chapters suck so far oml😂😭😂 *8/18/16*

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