Chapter 52: Filler!!!

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Tris' POV:

I stand in the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. I run my hand through my hair and sigh. Telling my parents was supposed to go better than that.

I let a couple tears slip out of my eyes, and then I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I look over and Tobias is walking in. He starts rubbing my back and says, "what's wrong?"

"Last night was supposed to be better. I don't know what to do about them," I say, looking at Tobias in the mirror.

He looks into the mirror, also, and says, "I know babe. You did the best you could on telling them."

"I don't know why my mom hates you Tobias. I mean, my dad is okay with you but-" he cuts me off and says, "It's okay Tris. I don't know what I did either."

He turns face to face with me, and I do the same. He puts his hands on my waist while I put mine around his neck.

He leans down and kisses me lightly. I move my hands up to his face and kiss him back.

He deepens the kiss, and I just continue kissing him. He picks me up and sets me on the counter.

He starts to make a trail of kisses on me. He starts from my lips and stops at my collar bone.

"Tobias," I moan.

He starts to kiss my lips again, and I whisper, "stop."

He does as commanded, and we both breathe heavily. He helps me off the counter, and I walk out of the bathroom.

I sit on the couch and close my eyes. I grab the remote and as I'm about to turn on the TV, Tobias takes it away.

He sits down beside me and throws the remote on the reclining chair. "What's going on, besides your parents," he says.

"It's just my parents. Can I have the remote back please?" I ask.

"Tris, I know when you're lying," he says.

"Fine. You want to know? It's everything Tobias! The baby, my parents, getting married-" he cuts me off, "You don't want to marry me?"

"That is not what I said at all!" I snap.

"But why did-" I cut him off this time, "It's a lot of stress! You know what stress is right?"

"Babe, calm down," he says and grabs my hand.

I look down at our hands, and I begin crying again. "I'm sorry. I'm just upset and you know how emotional I am."

"It's okay. I love you," he says and pulls me close to him.

"I love you too," I say and calm down.

He gets up and I say, "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting the remote for you, and I have to go do something," he says.

I pout and say, "Don't leave."

"Babe, I have to," he says.


"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"It's a surprise," he winks and tosses me the remote.

I sigh and turn on the TV. "Babe, I'll be back soon," he says as he puts his arms around me from behind the couch.

I roll my eyes and he says, "I promise."

"Whatever," I mutter.

"I would bring you with me, but you're pregnant and like I said, it's a surprise," he says.

"You know I hate surprises," I say.

"You'll love this one," he says and kisses my cheek.

"Love you gorgeous," he says and walks to the door.

"When do you have to go back to work?" I ask before he walks out the door. Tobias works at Hibbet Sports, and I work at Cracker Barrel.

We got more days off this week for wedding planning. We are also taking off work for our wedding day and honeymoon.

I really need to work, because we need the money. I need to work before I'm too pregnant to do anything, also.

"The 18th through the 22nd." he says. Holy crap. Today is the 16th and there are only 8 more days until the wedding.

I'm very nervous and I don't know what to think. "Do you have the rest off until we get back from the honeymoon?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says. "I have to go now. Love you Tris."

"Love you too," I say and start to call my boss.

"Hello?" Nita, my boss, answers.

"Hello, this is Tris Prior. I was wondering if I could come to work earlier. I need the hours, so I can work until the 22nd if that's okay with you," I say, hoping to get some days.

"You can work everyday from 3:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.," she replies.

"Okay, thank you so much!" I exclaim.

"Yep," she says and hangs up.

I'll go to work starting tomorrow. I just need to rest right now. I watch the TV, and I doze off into a light sleep.

A/N: this is just a filler chapter. Hope you liked it even tho it was like really short compared to the others!

Bye everyone! Goodnight! And I love you guys! Please comment and vote also!!! I appreciate it when you do!
June 6, 2015, 2:09am

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