Chapter 38: Hold Me

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Tris' POV:

I sit against my bed and continue to cry. I don't have anyone to make me happy right now. I can't go anywhere, because I don't have a car here. I can't call Marlene, Shauna, or Lynn because they are in Hawaii for vacation.

I could call Uriah, but I don't know... Usually I'd go to Tobias, but he is the one who I got upset about. I'll just stay here. I'm relieved about one thing though. Two days ago, I finally got the divorce thing situated.

I'll Face Time Luke. Surely, he'll want to talk to me. I get my phone and go to FaceTime. I start calling Luke, and he answers luckily.

"Tris. What did he do to you? Are you okay?" he says, quickly.

"He tried killing my ex... I'm not crying because of Calum though," I say, silently.

"You're ex as in the one who was cheating on you?" he asks.

I nod, "He didn't cheat on me though... That's what my 'so called' best friend told me."

"Tell me everything that happened though," Luke says, and I explain everything.

"So why exactly are you living with him? He is your ex, so isn't that kind of awkward Tris?" Luke asks.

"Not really... We both are still in love with each other, except that Abigail chick I was telling you about is ruining everything."

"Okay... You haven't done anything, have you? With Four?" Luke asks.

"Actually, we almost did..." I say, awkwardly.

"Tris! What do you mean by almost?" he asks.

"Well, it started off by us kissing in my room, and we ended up in bed with just our shirts off, but I told him to stop before we did anything else..." I blush.

"Tris, you two aren't even dating! It's even weirder when you were dating before and started kissing and crap again," Luke says.

"Actually it wasn't, because I already knew how he was and I liked it... It's not like we did anything else. Chill Luke," I laugh.

"Okay! Can we talk about something else? This is kind of weird now."

I laugh more and say, "Yes."

We talk about other stuff for a little while longer, and then I say, "Luke, what do I need to do? I want to be with Four, but I'm not sure how I can talk to him after all of the things that I just said."

"Do what you think is right. I don't want to tell you something that you don't want to do," Luke says.

"Okay. Thanks Luke. You always know how to cheer me up," I smile and wave goodbye.

He waves too, and then I end Face Time. I plug my phone into the charger and get up to go to the bathroom.

I walk out my door and walk to the bathroom. I'm about to walk in when Tobias walks out.

He looks me up and down and turns away. He has a disgusted look on his face and goes to his room.

I hear him say something, but I can't tell what it is. Then I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I look horrible.

I use the bathroom quickly and wash my hands. I wipe the mascara off from underneath my eyes and reapply some. I make my face look better, and I decide to try and talk to Tobias.

I walk to the front of his door and take a deep breath. I open the door and say, "Hey Tobias, can we-"

I stop talking because when I look up, Abigail is there too. "Oh... Sorry for interrupting."

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