Chapter 42: The Serum

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Tobias' POV:

Tris! No! Leave her alone! I try yelling that, but I can't. Christina gave me a serum that she got from a gang named the Euridite.

They just knocked Tris out, and I can't do anything. My whole body is controlled by the serum except, I know that I'm on a serum.

Tris isn't knocked out all the way because she whispers, "Tobias." And reaches her hand out. I fight the serum and walk to her. I try really hard and say, "Serum." But that's all I can say, and it hurts when I say it.

"Tobias baby. What are you talking about?" Christina walks up behind me and runs her hand across my back.

I cringe at her touch and take Tris' hand.

"I love you," I finally spit out.

I pick up her body, and the serum makes me bring her somewhere. After about an hour of walking, she wakes up in my arms.

She tries to get out of my grasp and I say, "Stop."

Then I try harder and say, "Kiss me." I set her down, and it's only us two. I have no clue where I'm walking either.

She looks confused for a little bit and pushes her lips against mine. I'm finally able to kiss her back and she says, "I love you."

I feel free from the serum again and say, "I love you too."

"What happened earlier? Because you just said you hate me and slapped me and-"

I cut her off by saying, "Christina gave me a serum. I was trying so hard to get out of it, but I couldn't. I think I'm out of it now, because I'm saying all of this stuff."

"Thank the Lord. Tobias, I was so confused. I was so scared, and I was hoping that you didn't just randomly change. I love you so much Tobias Eaton," she cries and kisses me forcefully.

"I love you too Beatrice Prior," I say, chuckling against her lips.

I pull away from her and say, "We can do this later, but now we need to figure out everything that is going on."

"Yeah." She nods her head. "Do you think that Christina gave Zek-"

"No," I cut her off.

"Can I finish?" she says.

"Yeah, sorry," I say, and we begin walking.

"Do you think Zeke was under a serum? He wouldn't just turn on you and Shauna. Think about it Tobias," she says.

"I don't know," is all I say.

"Let's call him," she says and I stop. "What?" she asks.

"We aren't doing that," I say.

"Tobias, we haven't talked to him since that day, and we need to know the truth about everything," she says and I gulp. "Why'd you do that?"

"Do what?" I ask.

"Gulp?" she asks, confused.

"I-I didn't," I stutter.

"Yes you did... Now you're stuttering. Tobias, what's going on?" she asks, grabbing my arm and stopping me.

I turn to look at her quickly, and I can tell that I look panicked.

"Tobias? What is going on?" she asks.

"We'll talk about it later," I say.

"Tobias," she says and looks straight into my eyes.

"There isn't time right now," I say, louder than I expected.

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