Chapter 1: First Day as a Senior

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Tris' POV:

I smack my alarm clock and realize I have to get ready for school. Ugh. Why can't it be over already?!

On the bright side I get to see Four! We are really good friends and I kinda like him a little more. Just kidding a lot more, but I don't think he likes me...

He's dating Cara. Gosh, she makes me so angry.

Anyways, I take a shower and get ready for school. I wear a gray sweater with a red and white scarf. I put on black skinny jeans and my brown uggs. Then I put my hair in a messy bun and put in diamond and pearl earrings.

For my make up, I put on eyeliner and mascara. Then, I put a pinkish lipstick on, and I apply a coat of pink sparkly lip gloss.

I go into Caleb's room and see he's still asleep.

"Umm Caleb, you know it's 7:30 right?" He doesn't respond.


He snaps awake. "WHAT? AHHHH," He screams and falls out of the bed, while I'm dying of laughter.

"Hahahahaha!" I laugh and point at him, "But get ready, you're gonna be late for school," I say and go downstairs.

"Bye mom! Bye dad! I love you both," I say while grabbing an apple.

"Bye! Have a good day, we love you!" They say, and I walk out. I get in my purple Mustang GT and head off to school.

------Time Lapse------

When I get to school I see Christina. She's sees me then squeals, "Tris!" She exclaims as runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

"Hey!" I exclaim.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!" She replies.

"Christina, I just saw you last week," I say, plainly.

"I know but I still missed you," She says, and I laugh.

I look around and I see the group is all here now. Christina, Will, Zeke, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, Shauna, and Al. Then I realize someone isn't here, Four.

"Hey guys," I say happily.

"Four is making out with Cara," Uriah says flat out.

"Umm.... Okay?" I say like a question.

"Just thought you should know." Uriah says, winking.

I just roll my eyes and laugh. Of course he is making out with Cara. Why else would he not be here.

We go inside and we walk past them making out. Zeke grabs Four and says, "Come on babe." Which makes me laugh.

Cara just looks ticked. Good, she can get over it.

We go and get our schedules. Mine is:

1. Biology -Ms. Matthews
2. History -Mr. Andrew
3. Music -Ms. Wu
4. Gym -Coach Max
5. lunch
6. Free period

I have 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th with everyone. I have all of my classes with Four.  Yes! I have first with Shauna, Marlene, Four, and Al. And fourth with Christina, Uriah, and Four. My schedule's pretty good.

1st period was really boring. All we did was take notes. So was 2nd. Now we're in 3rd.

"Okay. Today we are going to be hitting the basic notes." Ms. Wu says. I'm sitting beside Christina and Four right now. The thot isn't in here, luckily(Cara obviously).

"Repeat after me, do, re, me, fa." Ms. Wu says.

"Do, re, me, fa." We repeat.

"So, la, te, do." She says next.

"So, la, te, do." We repeat again.

"Now together!" She exclaims.

"Do, re, me, fa, so, la, te, do." We all sing together.

"Good job! Now you can do whatever," She says.

"So are you guys coming to the party Friday?" Zeke asks.

"Yeah," We all say except Four.

"Are you not coming?" Zeke asks wiping a fake tear.

"Well, me and Cara were gonna go on a date." He says.

"Let me guess, a make out session?" I say, laughing some.

He just glares at me. "That is all you do bruh," Uriah says.

"I guess I'll bring her to the party then," He says.

We all sigh and groan.

"What? You don't like her?" He asks.

"No, we love her." Shauna says, sarcastically.

"Honestly, you and her so called 'friends' are the only ones who like her." I say, being completely honest.

"Tris. Why do you care?" He says, annoyed.

"I don't. I'm just saying we all hate her," I say and everyone agrees.

"Whatever," He says, and the bell rings.

------Time Lapse------

It's Friday, and Christina and I are getting ready for the party. I'm wearing a black crop top with floral leggings. I have on black heels and floral earrings.

Christina does my makeup. She does my mascara and eyeliner and for my lipstick she does a light pink color.

"You look hot!" Chris exclaims.

"Thanks," I say while blushing.

When we get to the party, the smell of alcohol instantly hits my nose. We go in and see Four and Cara making out.

Of course.

Christina finds Will, and they start to hang out.

I'm all alone, so I sit on the couch. Then, Cara walks by, glaring at me. Four walks behind her, but he doesn't follow her. He sits on the couch beside me.

"Hey," He says.

"Hi," I say awkwardly.

"Okay, can I be completely honest?" He asks.

"Sure." I say.

"Follow me." He says and holds out his hand for me to take it. He brings me to a room that is a lot quieter. "I can't stand Cara!" He exclaims.

"Nah, you just now figured that out?" I say in a derp voice.

He gives me an annoyed look and says, "All she wants to do is make out with me. I mean it's fine, but she honestly is the biggest slut in school."

"Exactly!" I exclaim.


Four looks at me, "Time for truth or dare," He says while smirking.

A/N: Hey guys! This is my new story for all you divergent fans out there! I know there is a lot of these about divergent but mine isn't gonna be like most of them!
I hope yall enjoy this!
Comment what you think!❤️
Love you all!

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