Chapter 54: Anniversery

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Tris' POV:

I roll over in bed and see my soon to be husband, sound asleep. I cup his face with my hand and lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

I'm about to kiss him when he grabs my face and moves my lips to his. I laugh and kiss him softly.

I pull away, a smile on my face and say, "How long have you been awake?"

"I actually just woke up," he yawns and rubs his eyes.

I wrap my arms around him and put my head on his chest. He wraps an arm around me and says, "I love you baby."

I smile, but I say, "Why do you love me though?"

"How could I not love you? You're my fiancé," he says, tiredly.

"Yeah, but before this.... Before we dated. You could get any girl that you wanted, yet you chose me. Why me?" I ask.

"Tris, you are the only one for me, and I have you in my arms right now for a reason. God brought us together. He did that for a reason babe," he says and hugs me closer.

I snuggle into him tighter and say, "Well, I love you too."

I look up at him and see him smiling. He kisses my forehead and sits up. I groan and say, "What are you doing?"

"I have to take care of my precious angel, don't I?" he says.

"I get a lot of things from that, so what do you mean?" I ask.

"Whatever you want it to mean," he smirks and raises his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes, and I ask, "What did you mean seriously?"

"Oh you know what I meant," he continues smirking. He gets off the bed and stands in front of me.

"Show me then," I smirk.

He shrugs and walks out of the room.

"Okay then..." I mutter.

I get out of bed myself, and I use the restroom. My cramps have been killing me lately. Some days I'm okay, but the rest are like misery.

I just hope that today will be good since it's our anniversary, and I hope I don't have cramps on my wedding day. That'd be my luck though.

I walk to the kitchen, but Tobias isn't there. "Tobias?" I say.

I get no response, so I walk back to our bedroom. The door is closed behind me, and I smile. I turn around while saying, "Tobias, what are you-" I stop talking when I see someone other than Tobias.

I stand there in shock and walk back slowly. "W- what are you doing here?" I stutter.

"I came to visit... I went to your old house, and your mum told me where you lived. I'm so happy to see you!"

"Look, you can't be here right now... If you're here to try and get me back then you have no luck. I'm sorry, but you need to get out now," I say quietly.

"Beatrice! I know you're pregnant, and I'm okay with it. I'll take care of the baby. I'm just really sorry that he left you. I'm here now though."

"What? What the heck are you talking about?" I exclaim.

"The guy who got you pregnant. I'm sorry that he left. Beatrice, I promise-" he stops talking when he sees Tobias walk in.

"Who is this?" Tobias says as he looks from him to me.

"This is Calum... He's the one who was in that dream I had. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I actually knew him," I say quietly.

"What are you doing here?" Tobias asks Calum.

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