Chapter 37: Wrong Feelings

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Tobias' POV:

I wake up to a bunch of hair in my face. I sit up slowly and realize that Tris wanted me to sleep with her last night.

I move her hair out of my face, and I can see how beautiful she is. She is so perfect. I get my arm from around her and get up quietly.

I try not to wake her up, and I go to my room. I change into some other sweatpants. I decide not to wear a shirt. I don't think I'm going anywhere today, but I'm making breakfast.

I turn on Pandora Radio and get on Wiz Khalifa Radio. Medicated comes on, and I start making breakfast.

I'm jamming out as I'm making some cereal,  and I turn around and Tris is recording me.

"Tris," I exclaim, "delete it!"

She shakes her head and bursts into laughter. I turn the music down and glare at her, "I really hate you."

"I'm sure you do," she says, sarcastically.

I sigh, "I guess you don't get cereal."

"You're really funny, you know that?" she laughs, sarcastically again.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"You're in such a great mood aren't you?" Tris says while pouring her cereal.

She turns around for a response, but instead I just look up and give her a look.

"I know you still love me," she smirks.

I sigh, "I wish I didn't."

"Lies," she continues smirking.

She sits down at the table in front of me.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask.

"I'm fine with staying here. I need some time to you know... recover, I guess you'd call it. Yesterday was just all a huge mess," Tris admits.

"What happened with us... Was that a mess?" I ask, hoping she'd say no.

"I mean... I don't know... Do you think it was?" she asks.

I shake my head, "I loved it. It might be a little weird from now on, but whenever we date-"

She cuts me off, "Date? Who said that?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm kind of jumping to conclusions too quickly aren't I?" I ask, and I frown.

She nods, "Yes..."

I don't say anything, and then I get up to bring my bowl to the sink. I set my bowl in the sink, and Tris gets up too.

She starts walking over beside me, but I take her bowl for her. She doesn't say anything and just walks over to put things away.

"You don't have to clean up, I say, "I can do it."

"I'm not going to be rude. I mean unless you love cleaning, which I know you don't," she says.

"Tris..." I say, quietly.

"Yes?" she asks.

I'm silent for a minute, but then I say, "I- never mind."

I lean against the counter and watch Tris clean up.

She turns around looks at me. Then she walks over to me and takes my face in her hands.

"What's wrong?" she asks, concerned.

I keep my hands on the counter, not daring to touch her yet. I shake my head, "It's nothing. Don't worry..."

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