Chapter 11: Finally together

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Tobias' POV:

Day after graduation.

Today I'm spending my day with Tris. We just talk about different stuff. I love this girl.

"So you're going to Hood University?" I ask Tris.

"Yep! I don't think you ever told me where you're going babe," she says while lying on her bed.

"Well, I got a football scholarship for Dauntless University, but I got another one for Euridite Tech," I say.

"I'm guessing your going to Dauntless University?" she guesses.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

"Well it's for football, and I know how much you love football. And Euridite Tech is somewhere Caleb would go," she says, laughing.

"Yeah. You're right. I'm not sure though," I say, trying to think.

"Are they both in Canada?" Tris asks, frowning.

"Dauntless University is. Euridite Tech isn't." I say happy and sad. "Let's talk about this later, I want to spend time with you!"

"Yeah. It's kinda making me down," Tris says, holding back her tears.

I stand up and motion her to come to me. She walks over to me, and I hug her tightly, and we just sway from side to side.

"I don't want you to leave again," she says.

"I don't want to leave either," I say, looking down at her.

"I wish there were other ways we could be together," she says, about to cry.

"Cheer up baby. I'll always love you," I say, hugging her tighter.

"I know," she says and looks up at me, smiling.

"I'm staying for a month, but then I have to go back," I say.

"But college starts in August. We have two months," she says, confused.

"College in Canada starts in July. It's a month earlier." I say sadly.(A/N: idk anything about Canada so it's probably not true! Don't get mad if I'm wrong because I'm pretty sure I am lol)

"Oh..." Tris says, upset.

"You should get some rest. It's been a long day," I say and walk her to the bed. She nods and says, "Wait... Where are you staying?"

"Zeke and Uriah," is all I say.

"Four... Can you stay with me?" She asks.

"Umm... Well..." I think.

"Tobias..." She says, sounding upset.

"I have to get my stuff from their house," I say.

"We can get it in the morning. I have some of your clothes that you left over here anyways," she says, bringing me to the closet.

She pulls out some of my sweatpants and a shirt. There's shorts in there too. Goodness, I left a lot of clothes.

"I'll let you change," Tris says and walks out.

I change into some shorts. I take my shirt off and put it in the drawer. I walk out, and Tris is already in bed.

I get in bed next to her and she turns to look at me. "I love you Tobias," she says, and I kiss her goodnight.

"Love you too. Get some rest," I say and hold her in my arms. I kiss her on the cheek and soon fall asleep.

A/N: Hey guys!
Did you like this chapter.
I'm in my room and I'm really bored lol!
Well I hope yall are enjoying this book!
Comment what you think!
I love you guys!❤️

March 26, 2015, 4:27pm

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