Chapter 9: Christmas

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Tobias' POV:

I had to leave. I can't let Marcus toss me around like this anymore. I should've told Tris earlier.

I'm such an idiot. I left her just like that. I'm going to try and visit her though. Now I'm going to have to go to school in Canada.

Great. Even more girls falling for me there. I just can't get my mind off of Tris.

I love her so much, and I just left.

I get to the airport, and my plane leaves in 30 minutes. I sit waiting for about 10 minutes.

I get my phone out and see that Tris texted.

You don't have to go! -T

Tris! I have to! You can't stop it! -4

Well then I'm coming too! -T

You can't. I'm sorry but the plane leaves in 20 minutes, and you don't have a ticket. -4

I just need to see you one more time. -T

There's no time. I love you, but I have to go. Talk to you later.<3 -4

Don't forget about me please. I love you. -T

I put my phone up, and it's finally time to get on the plane. I get my bags then get on.

Tris' POV:

After texting Tobias. I go back to sleep. I hope tomorrow will be better.

I wake up at about 9:00 a.m. I get out of bed and go downstairs. I sit at the kitchen booth.

I just have a frown on my face while I'm sitting.

"Hey sweetie," my mother smiles.

"Morning," I say, sadly, "How do you know?"

"Caleb," is all she says.

Of course. He tells them everything. It's better that he told though, because I would've cried my eyes out even more.

I start to cry right now anyways.

"I can't believe he left... Everything was going good. I should've known we wouldn't work out," I say, still crying.

"Honey. He's coming back. You didn't break up did you?" my mother asks.

"No. But long distance relationships never work out. Everyone knows that," I say using common sense.

"Well, it might. Don't tell yourself it won't. Then your chances are really low," she says.

I nod my head and take my breakfast and go to my room. I turn on the TV, and of course, it's some romance thing.

Doesn't this just put me into a better mood. Notice the sarcasm.

It's about 5:00 right now, and I get a text from Tobias.

Hey beautiful. -4

Hi... -T

How are you? -4

Horrible. -T

Come on Tris. It's probably not that bad without me there. -4

How could he say that?!

Well it is Four! I'm sorry that I care! You're going to be gone for over a year and I'm alone! -T

You called me Four... -4

You left me. -T

It's not my fault! You know what? Just forget it Tris! -4

I'm crying so hard after we finished texting. I miss him so much. I don't know how I can live like this. This is the worst Christmas ever.

A/N: Hey guys!
Honestly this is really sad. Like idek anymore
I can't keep them apart forever because I ship them


^^^^^^I have that written on the board in my room lol
So comment what you think!
Love you guys!❤️
March 26, 2015, 11:01am

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