Chapter 48: Wedding Stuff

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Tris' POV:

"Christina, what am I going to do? I'm three months pregnant. If I get a dress already then it might not fit on my wedding day!" I complain.

"It's going to be okay Tris. We'll figure something out, trust me," she says. "Oh, and when are you having your baby shower? Are you going to have it after you find out the gender or something?"

"I forgot all about that. Wow. We'll probably do it like that. I'm not really sure though," I say.

"Okay," she says. We are currently making wedding invitations. It's October thirteenth right now, and that means only eleven days until the wedding. I am very nervous and excited about it.

Tobias is doing something with Uriah, Zeke, and Will. I'm not sure if it's something for the wedding, but if it isn't then I'm going to kill Tobias. There is so much crap to be done, and it's a lot of stress that I don't need right now.

"Oh my gosh! Tris, these invitations are so cute!" Christina squeals.

"Yeah, but they are taking up way too much time," I say.

"Why have you been so down lately? You are about to be married Tris!" she exclaims.

"I'm just really stressed out and afraid of some things," I say.

"Afraid?" she asks.

"Yeah Chris. I'm about to be married, and I'm kind of afraid about what could happen to me in six months," I say.

"Tris, the doctors don't know what they are talking about. You are going to deliver this baby with no problem," she says.

"Christina, I'm so scared, and you know that there is a high chance of me and my baby dying," I say and try not to cry.

"You are not going to die and don't even think like that Tris," she says. I know that on the inside she's scared that she'll lose me too.

We sit in silence for a minute and I say, "You're coming dress shopping right?"

"Of course I am. You didn't even have to ask," she says.

"I know, I was just trying to start up a conversation. How do you like your dress?" I ask. She is my Maid of Honor and the other girls are my Bridesmaids. Zeke is the Man of Honor and the rest of the guys are Groomsmen.

We already got their dresses but we are getting mine tomorrow, because I'm pregnant and I'll need to get it closer to the wedding.

"I love the dresses so much! They are so beautiful and they look great on all of us!" she exclaims.

The dresses are a light purple color. They cut off right before the knees in the front, but it flows a bit longer in the back. Their shoes are all the same too.

--Time Lapse--

"Bye Chris," I say as she walks out the door. It's 6:00p.m. right now, and Tobias still isn't home. He should be home soon though.

I go into the kitchen and start cooking dinner. It's a late dinner, but I haven't ate and I'm starving. I decide to cook some spaghetti. I hope Tobias hasn't ate yet.

I start boiling the water, and I hear the door open. He's finally home! I continue to cook and the water starts to boil like crazy. I go ahead and put the noodles in the water and poor some sauce into another pot. I turn around to think that Tobias was the one standing in front of me... but no. It's Brendon.

I gasp and he puts his finger to my lips. He has an evil grin on his face, and I hold back my tears.

I swallow the lump in my throat and say, "What do you want?"

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