Chapter 15: No One Understands

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Tobias' POV:

"And she just got all upset," I say to Zeke.

"Well, I don't know what to tell ya' man. Maybe she isn't ready," he says while eating chicken wings.

"I know. I told her if she wasn't ready then it's okay," I say, frowning.

"Just give her some space dude," Zeke says, still eating. "Let's do something!"

"Okay," I say very enthusiastically. (Note the sarcasm.)

------Time Lapse------

I go to Tris' house to see if she is home. I knock on the door and Andrew (her father), opens it.

"Hello Four. Come in," he says while gesturing me to come inside.

I walk in smiling. "How are you?" he asks.

"Good. I'm just wondering about Tris... Is she okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Of course she is. Why wouldn't she be? You two are still getting married right?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

She didn't tell him...

"I'm not sure if she's ready," I say, frowning. "Can I talk to her?"

"She isn't here right now," he says. "But I think someone else wants to see you before you leave."

Who is here? Who would want to see me.

"Oh. Umm... Where is she?" I ask trying to leave as quickly as possible.

"She's with Christina. Follow me," he says while walking towards the kitchen. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" I look at the table and like normal, Caleb and Natalie are there except someone else is there too. Marcus.

I eye him and say, "No thank you. I need to be leaving."

"Okay then. Suit yourself," he says.

I go to my car and get in. Why are they friends with that monster? I understand that they don't know about him but... Why would you even like him. I don't know.

I get out my phone and call Tris. She doesn't answer. Why does she hate me? Everyone does, don't they? I pull out of their drive way and start driving. Where am I going? I don't know.

I soon find myself pulling into my old house. Or.... Marcus' house. Whatever. I get out and open the door. It's unlocked like usual. He's such an idiot. Why would you leave it unlocked?

I go in and go to my old room. It's a mess. Not like before. I bet he got mad and messed everything up when I left.

I look around and memories flood into my mind. Some good, but most are bad. As I'm looking around, I hear the front door creak open.

I'm going to have to talk to him anyways. I know he knows I'm here because my car. I go downstairs and see someone dressed in black in the kitchen. It's not Marcus either.

The person jerks up and stares at me. I just stand there and stare back and something behind me catches his eye. I turn around and something hits me in the head, then I fall to the ground.

Tris' POV:

"I feel bad Christina. I love Tobias, but it seems too early," I say, frowning.

"I understand. Just trust me, it'll be okay. I hope," she mumbles the last part.

"I-I should go see him. I'll be back later," I say, getting up to leave.

"Okay. If you want to stay with him that's fine too. Just text me by 11:00," she says, winking.

I nod and walk out the door. I get my phone and call him back. It goes to voicemail. I guess that's what I get for ignoring him.

I pull into Zeke's house and go to the door. I knock and Uriah comes.

"Hey Tris!" he exclaims.

"Hey. Can I talk to Four?" I ask.

"He isn't here," he says, looking confused. "He went to your house to find you."

Oh no. Marcus came for dinner. "Oh thanks Uriah! Bye!" I say and leave quickly. I rush to my house as fast as possible.

I go inside and see my mom and dad on the couch.

"Where's Four?" I ask worried.

"We don't know. He came earlier trying to find you," dad says.

"Crap," I say.

"What?" My mom asks, confused.

"Nothing. I have to find him. Do you know where he could've gone?" I ask.

"He could've went to his house. That's probably where he was before, don't you think," my dad says like it's obvious.

"You don't understand," I say and leave to go to his 'house.'

A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a while! Don't be mad at me for making it like this! I feel like I'm making it go to fast so in trying to slow it down! Okay! So I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you're enjoying the whole story too! I'm also not going to name the chapter anymore either because it's hard to come up with names for them! Sorry if you like named chapters!
Comment your thoughts!
I love you all!❤️

May 16, 2015, 12:36pm

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