Chapter 22: House Hunters

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Tobias' POV:

I wake up to a weird smell. I look over at Tris and see that she is still asleep. It's 10am. I guess I was tired.

"Tris," I whisper softly into her ear. I pull her closer to me and hold her close. Her eyes flutter open, and she sniffs around for a minute.

"Gosh! What is that smell?" she exclaims while holding her nose. I shrug and say, "I practically lived here, and I still don't know."

"I'll be right back. Come if you want, but you need to keep up," she says and gets up.

I sit up and reach for my crutches. I stand up and follow behind Tris. We walk into the kitchen and Uriah and Zeke are "cooking."

"My gosh!" Tris exclaims. "What are you two doing? It smells horrible!"

Their big smiles turn into a frown. "We are chefs. We have to cook. And this, this smells good!" Uriah smiles, brightly.

I shake my head and say, "What drugs are you on? Oh wait, you're being your normal self, the same one that broke my foot."

He glares at me, and then starts to laugh really hard.

"What?" I ask.

"You look so serious," he says while pointing at me.

"You're so stupid," I say while rolling my eyes.

"Thanks. I take that as a compliment," he says while smiling.

"So what are you 'cooking?'" I ask him.

"Breakfast. Duh," he says.

I give him a dumb look and say, "I know, but what specifically?"

"Eggs and pancakes," Zeke says while licking his lips.

"Eggs and pancakes do not go together," I say, like it's obvious.

"They do when you combine them," he says while smirking.

I look over to Tris, and she looks disgusted. I know how she feels, Zeke and Uriah are so weird. "They don't go together when you can't cook," I exclaim.

"Tobias, I'm surprised that you aren't helping them," Tris says. Whenever she says Tobias, Zeke and Uriah look confused.

Oh. They don't know my real name. I forgot. "Who's Tobias?" they ask.

"Uh..." Tris says while trying to think of something to say.

"Yes guys, that's my real name," I say while nodding my head.

I look over to Tris and she lips, sorry.

"It's okay," I say, and she nods her head.

------Time Lapse------

"I like this one too though," Tris says while pointing to a house on the screen.

"Okay, we need to talk about prices, we need to physically look at the houses, and then we can decide," I say.

"And we need to get married," she adds in. I laugh and say, "Of course we do." Then I wrap my arm around her shoulders and kiss her cheek.

She smiles and blushes. "I love you," I say to her.

"I love you more!" Zeke exclaims, as he walks in.

I turn around and glare at him. "You just ruined a good moment," I say.

"Oops," he says, but he really doesn't care. He comes and plops down on the couch in between us and says, "So, watch ya' doing?"

"Stuff," Tris says and pushes him off of her.

"Cool," he says and looks at the computer screen. "Ooh! Houses! Are we all going to live together?" he asks, excitedly.

"If you mean we, as in Tris and I, then yes." I say, and he frowns.

"Zeke, let me sit by my fiancé," Tris says.

"Oh, he isn't your fiancé. Someone else is," Zeke says. What the heck is he talking about?

"And who would that be?" I ask.

"Me," he exclaims.

"I'm not gay, so how would you be my fiancé?" I ask.

"I'm not gay either, but Tris is my bae," he says.

"You're funny," I say, sarcastically, "you also don't make any sense."

"I make a lot of sense, trust me," he says while getting up and winks at me.

He leaves the room, and I look at Tris. She just has a look that's saying, what the heck is wrong with him?

"Anyways," I say breaking the silence, "let's continue this."

Tris nods, and we begin to look at the different houses again.

A/N: Hi people! So I'm excited for this next chapter coming up! It's going to be pretty good! A lot of stuff will be sorted out and stuff! lol. So I'll probably update one more chapter at the most today and if I don't then sorry! But I might even update for 2 more chapters so don't give your hopes up! I hope you've had a great day so far! Also, sorry for the chapters being short! I know you have it like that but it's easier to write little sections at a time!
So comment what you thought of this chapter please!
I love you all!❤️
May 16, 2015, 12:42pm

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