Chapter 13: Engaged!!

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Tris' POV:

We're standing in the parking lot, and I'm crying my eyes out. We stand there in silence(except for me crying), then I look up and see Zeke smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I exclaim.

"Because Four didn't really get killed..." Zeke says.

I wipe my face and say, "What did you just say," in a threatening tone while walking closer to them, slowly.

"Well... You see... We were playing truth or dare, and he dared us to do this..." Uriah says, slowly backing up, sounding scared.

"Four dared you to do this? Why would he do that?" I ask, curiously.

"He wanted to know how you would take it,"!Uriah says, calmly.

"Oh. He's so getting it," I say, wiping the stray tears from my face.

"Getting what?" Uriah asks with a weird look on his face. I punch him in the arm and walk back to my car. Then I turn around and walk back.

"Wait... How will he know how I acted?" I ask, confused.

"Hidden cameras." Uriah flat out says.

I nod my head and start walking back to my car again. That's horrible. You're not supposed to do that to someone. It's just wrong.

I get in my car and call Four.

"Hello," he says.

"Hey Four," I say, not saying Tobias, because he likes me calling him that.

"Hey babe," he says, not sounding hurt by the name, Four. Crap.

"So. You know why I'm calling," I say.

"I do?" he says like a question.

"Yeah. Truth or dare with your friends," I say.

"Oh... Did they actually do that?" he asks.

"Yes. They did, and I cried so much. You know how I would take it Four, but you did it anyways. Why?" I ask.

"I wasn't for sure how you would act," he says.

"Whatever. I know you did," I say, upset and hang up.

------Time lapse------

I walk upstairs to my room, and there are rose pedals going up the stairs. Oh gosh. What's going on?

I walk into my room, and there are rose pedals all over the floor, and candles are lit. Honestly, I'm very scared. I put my stuff on my bed, and when I turn back around, Tobias is behind me.

I gasp and say, "Oh crap, you scared me!"

He smiles and says, "Still mad at me."

I bite my lip and shrug as I sit on my bed with him standing in front of me. "So. What is all of this?" I ask.

Tobias smiles and gets on one knee.

"Tris. I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are amazing in so many ways. I got them to do that dare, because I needed time to set this up and see how you'd react, for sure. I knew you'd be upset, but I wanted to be sure. Tris... I want to spend every moment possible with you for forever. Will you marry me?" Tobias says, and I've already started crying tears of joy, not sadness.

He pulls out a ring at the last part, and it is so beautiful. I'm so shocked that I don't know what to say.

He is smiling so handsomely, and then I say, "But you're going to Canada?" like a question.

He shakes his head and says, "Nope. I'm going to a college here. So is it a yes or a no?"

I nod my head, and he smiles hugely as he puts the ring on my finger. I smile as I look at it, then I jump into Tobias' arms and kiss him really enthusiastically. He spins me around, and I cry tears of joy. This is the happiest moment of my life.

A/N: OMG! What did you think? It's pretty obvious that I wouldn't kill him. Idk how I'd live with myself! Haha!

So comment your thoughts and
I love you!❤️

May 16, 2016, 12:42pm

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