Chapter 35: Abigail

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Tobias' POV:

"Dude! Come on!" I yell at Uriah.

"I'm trying man," he yells back.

We get in my car, and I rush back off to my house. We should've brought Tris. Oh no... I don't know why I'm so stupid. How'd he get in?

Soon, I zoom into my driveway, Uriah and I both get out quickly.

"Tris?" I yell.

I run inside and see Eric sitting on the couch. Tris is sitting beside him, crying. He doesn't realize I came in, but Tris does and she looks up at me.

"Help," she lips. I nod and walk slowly behind them. She cries more and Eric says, "Shut up already!" Then he smacks her.

I'm about to kill him. I'm not joking. I go up behind him right after he slapped her and start choking him.

"Tobias! Don't kill him!" Tris yells at me. I look at her like she is crazy.

"What?" I say while being very confused.

"I'm calling the cops! They will get him!" Tris exclaims.

He keeps struggling against me, and I can't hold him any longer. I also can't kill him right in front of her...


"I'm trying!" she yells back.

He wiggles out of my grasp and shoves me into the wall.

I wince because my wound is not fully healed.

"Oh. I forgot, you got shot. Sorry not sorry," he smirks.

I spit in his face, and he looks disgusted. I smirk at him and push him off. Uriah jumps on top of him and pulls him to the ground.

Then he starts punching the crap out of his face. When Eric is knocked out, I pull Uriah off.

I breathe heavily, "It's good now. He's way past knocked out."

I look over to Tris who has terror in her eyes. I walk over to her quickly and hug her tightly.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay," I say, hugging her tightly.

She cries into my shoulder, "I'm so sorry," she says.

"Why? You didn't do anything," I say, holding her tighter.

"You were supposed to have fun tonight, and I ruined everything..."

"You didn't ruin anything. I left the door unlocked like an idiot... Did he... Do anything to you?"

She nods her head and cries a lot more. My insides hurt when she nods her head. My heart breaks into millions of little pieces, because he did things to her.

"I'm so sorry. Did it go on too long or...." she shakes her head, "He s-stopped around 5 minutes b-before you c-came... He did things s-soon after I hung u-up the phone... I d-don't want to talk ab-about it."

"Okay... Don't worry. You're safe with me now."

"I wish..." she whispers.

Soon the police get here and arrest Eric. An ambulance also comes, and they help Tris. They check her for injuries and stuff.

I watch them take care of Tris, and she looks up and sees me. She signals me to come over to her. I walk over, and she reaches out to me, wanting me to hug her.

"Not right now," a doctor says, as I'm about to.

"Excuse me?" Tris says.

"Tris..." I mumble, and she looks at me. I shake my head.

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