Just like every other morning, Chase wakes up early and prepares himself for the day, he checked the clock which read:
7:40 AM
Chase sighed. He would usually wake up earlier, but he still got up and immediately felt a cold chill after the radiating warmth of his blanket slowly slipped off of his fur and hit the floor. He placed on his pup-pack and walked outside of his pup-house and he cleared his through.
"Ruff, Megaphone!" Chase barked out
"TIME TO WAKE UP PUPS!" Chase yelled through and heard his voice echo through the air, but no response, that's when Chase slapped his head because he felt so stupid. They're not here. Chase mentally sighed and put his megaphone back into his pup-pack.
Suddenly, Chase could hear ringing inside the lookout. Must be another emergency Chase thought and ran inside to answer it.
Throughout the whole day, Chase didn't have it easy.
7:50 AM
Chase was helping Mr. Porter load up a truck full of pizza, and there was A LOT of it. Is he feeding a whole city? Chase thought to himself as he saw the piles of pizza.
10:20 AM
Chase had to help Katie find some kittens that ran off from her little vet.
11:30 AM
Chase had to help Farmer Yumi pick out apples from trees because there were just so many of them. This took longer than expected.
12:40 PM
Chase then got a call from Francois Turbot that he got stuck on a tree while hiking.
1:30 PM
Chase had to rescue Cap'n Turbot because his boat hit a rock and had to patch it up which took a couple hours.
2:20 PM
Chase then got another call from Mr. Porter that Alex had disappeared and made Chase shiver as this was an Alex rescue mission. But, luckily, he found him, but this was Alex, he didn't make it easy.
4:20 PM
Chase was then asked to look after Julius and Julia because Mayor Goodway couldn't focus on her work because they kept distracting her. When did I become an official babysitter? Chase asked himself. Of course, since they were little kids and just like Alex, they got into lots of mischief and made it a nightmare to babysit them.
5:50 PM
Chase then got a random call from someone, telling him that a kid that was calling himself Daring Danny X, was hanging off of a logo on a restaurant after doing some sort of stunt. Just hearing the name of Danny made Chase sigh even more. He remembered when the Paw Patrol had to rescue Danny because he somehow managed to get himself on top of a pole on a bridge.
6:30 PM
Chase got another call from Mr. Porter that Alex had somehow managed to bring Farmer Yumi's animals in a conga line along with Julia and Julius. Just hearing that made Chase question everything he knew about this world.
8:50 PM
After saving Alex, Julia and Julius, they went back with their guardians and Chase safely returned Farmer Yumi's animals back to her barn, but they made it a lot harder than usual. Chase went back to the lookout and dropped himself onto a bean bag and groaned. He was tired, his entire body was sore, he felt like if he moved even a tiny inch, his entire body would break into small pieces. That's the worst drawback of looking after the lookout. There are bound to be more missions and you have to do all of them alone.
Chase's stomach growled and he noticed that he didn't eat anything this whole day, he didn't even eat breakfast. He didn't have time to eat breakfast or any type of meal because each time he would finish a mission, another one would just come up, he didn't even have time to take a short little break. I should've asked Mr. Porter for some of that pizza Chase thought to himself then shifted his position on the bean bag so that he would face the kitchen of the look out.
There was no Ryder to prepare food for him, but it wasn't anything unusual. Chase remembered that back then, if you wanna survive, you have to feed yourself. Chase sighed as he got up and walked up one of the treat dispensers, placed his bowl under the pipe and pushed down on the lever, but nothing came out.
Trying it once again, Chase looked through the white stained glass which was empty, making Chase's face fall. Seems like I won't be eating for today Chase then placed his bowl back and decided to get some extra sleep due to being really tired, but a loud alarm from the television stopped Chase, which made him groan in frustration. But, he picked it up anyway.
"Chase!? Chase!?"
Chase saw Mayor Goodways' worried expression on the television.
"I'm here, Mayor Goodway. What's wrong?" Chase asked, and the words that came out of her mouth made Chase want to hang up and drive over to Mayor Goodway and give her a piece of his mind.
"Chickaletta escaped again! Can you please help me find her?" Mayor Goodway asked in a hopeful voice.
"A-Again?" Chase softly said.
"Yes! I don't know how but every time I take my eyes off of her for even a second, she disappears, please help me!" She begged, giving Chase the worried expression once again. Chase mentally groaned.
"Sure, I'll be on my way." Chase agreed and hung up.
Silence filled the room once again. Chase was tired, hungry, in pain, his vision was blurry and was getting a headache. Chase just sat in front of the TV screen, rethinking everything that happened today.
Suddenly, he felt a slight tickle slowly racing down his right cheek. Reaching out, Chase felt a tear drop from his right eye, which confused him and was now wondering why he was crying. Wiping his eyes, he slowly walked towards the elevator and got his uniform on and arrived at the top of the lookout.
"Paw Patrol is on a roll." Chase's voice cracked and slowly walked over and slid his body down the slide and onto his pup-house which transformed into his cruiser as he landed on it.
Looking ahead at the bright shining lights of the little town up ahead, his vision blurred once again and his paws began to shake. Once again, forcing himself to get control, he drove down to City Hall to meet a worried mayor.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...