A couple more weeks have passed and things only got worse. Chase was again, laying on the floor, with chains securing him after another couple hours of torture. It has now become a daily thing. He was fed good food, but not a lot of it. Lady Keres became more brutal and less merciful. This was just as or even worse than living with his parents. Constantly in physical and mental pain, hungry, thirsty, tired and broken. Chase couldn't even remember the last time he's seen sunlight or even the stars. He's been beaten and tortured so hard, he had a large black eye that was beginning to turn blue. He wasn't able to wash or clean himself at all, so his hair grew more on his tuff.
Every day, his life got harder and harder, until he didn't feel like moving at all. Chase didn't even bother trying to get up, his mouth was just a tiny bit open, but his eyes had no emotion in them, it was like he didn't feel anything at all. He just kept staring into the large, locked door. The only way out of this room. He slowly nudged his head down to look at his ruined hoodie. Fresh and dried up blood almost covered the whole hoodie. It was almost torn to shreds, it only had a few blue spots but that's all.
It was like each day, his life and freedom was being torn apart, bit by bit. Chase began thinking what in his entire life did he do wrong to deserve this kind of life. He wondered what would've happened if he didn't run away from his father that day, if he just let him kill him, he wouldn't be suffering this much right now. Last time Chase had heard of his father, he received life in prison, since there was no jury either, it made the case a bit harder but again, Chase didn't know what to think.
Hours passed and Chase was still lying on the ground, he didn't move an inch, he was a statue, he didn't even bother talking to himself or calling out for Lady Keres. Chase has desperately tried to find a way to escape Lady Keres and get far away, but then his mind would revert back to a certain thought. Where would he go? Lady Keres was right about one thing. He was empty, he didn't have a family or any friends or any relatives he could go to.
He's all alone
Tears began dripping down his eyes, Chase didn't feel anything but confusion as to why he was crying. His entire body was in pain, he couldn't even feel a few parts in his body anymore. He felt hollow, and parts of his body were burned by the blowtorch used in his "punishment".
Chase thought about that word the most throughout his time here. In the past, he had an abusive mother and now he has a new mother that tortures him and breaks him down even more. Is this what it's like to have a Mom and Dad? Chase wondered to himself. His whole life, he lived with others that he was supposed to trust and be loved by, only to turn on him and make him suffer his whole life.
Suddenly, he was brought back into focus and his eyes reverted back to the door that was opening, revealing the Lady, with her dress having red blood stains on it, and she was holding a baton.
"Unchain him." She said sternly and two other people walked from behind her and slowly removed the chains from Chase's legs, but he was still on the ground and seeing this, Lady formed a glare on her face and walked up to the poor puppy.
"Get up." She said,
A few seconds have passed and Chase only stared up to her and whispered loudly:
"Yes, Mom." He said he tried to get up on his four feet, but only stumbled on them and fell back down, making the blood splash a little bit onto Lady's shoes.
"P-P-P-Please...can-can we please do it t-tomorrow?" Chase stuttered, his body was affecting his speech even more. But once again, Lady Keres gave him an unsatisfied look.
"Get. Up." She said, not bothering to answer the poor pups question.
Felicia then looked at one of the guards who spoke her name.
"I don't mean to pry on your business. But look at him. He's barely able to move at all and he can barely speak. Don't you think that we should let him rest today?" The guard suggested and silence filled the room and Lady Keres looked between the guard and Chase and chuckled and looked down on Chase and kneeled.
"Oh, he will move. He just needs the right motivation." She said with a wide grin and slowly walked over to the table and picked up the scutica which was leaking fresh blood. And immediately, Chase got afraid and tried his best to talk.
"P-P-Please...no...no more." Chase begged softly, his voice wasn't strong enough to speak loudly.
"Then show me that you can stand up." She demanded. Chase then tried his best to stand, each time he would, sharp pain would rip through his entire body, and it would cause Chase to lose his balance, and every time he would catch himself, he would just feel more pain.
Just then, Chase yelled out in pain as he felt some of his wounds open up even more, causing him to fall back down. His painful scream even made the two guards wince, and they even felt sympathy for him.
The Lady didn't show any reaction at all, but just stared at Chase with no emotions on her face.
"It's clear to me that you need an awakening reminder." She said and Chase watched her form a wide grin on her face, as if she seemed excited and slowly raised her arm with the scutica.
"N-No...please." Chase begged once again, as he tried to get up, but his body just wouldn't let him.
"All I wanna hear is your screams." He then heard Lady Keres say and Chase slightly gasped as he looked back up into her blood thirsty eyes and watched her swing her arm down as fast and hard as he could.
Now, he wasn't only experiencing torture...he was experiencing true evil.
Hey guys! I know that Chase's past has been taking up a lot of chapters and I apologize for that. The past will end either in chapter 15 or 16, so don't worry, I'll update them as fast and as soon as I can for you guys as I know you're excited to see what's gonna come up next!

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...