Heated Conflict

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     "Argh! Quick! Launch the canon!" Sid commanded and Arrby obeyed by pulling one string with his mouth and launching one cannonball straight towards Chase. Oh no Chase's eyes widened and quickly jumped over the cannonball, quickly smashing through the wood of the port and right into the concrete under the water.

"Definitely gotta watch out for that." Chase told himself and noted that he didn't have his pup-pack with him once again, so he's gonna have to fight without his zipline or grappling hook. Chase then dashed once again towards the ship.

"Launch another one!" Sid commanded while Butch realized that they wouldn't be fast enough to launch another towards the upcoming police pup.

"Here goes nothing!" Butch growled and gripped both of his fist, sending a huge blast of fire towards Chase.

"Gah!" Chase yelled as he quickly ran back, dodging the fire blast.

"Ugh! Missed again!" Butch said in annoyance.

Chase began getting nervous as he was in a conflict that he can't even get near the enemy. Guess I'm gonna have to take a gamble on this one Chase thought and dashed towards the boat once again. Butch quickly gripped his fist once again and shot another huge blast.

Chase quickly put more force into his legs and jumped right under the blast before it could burn the wood. Once he got to the near end, Chase placed all his force onto this last jump and leaped towards the boat. Quickly using his teeth and his paws to grip onto the ledge of the boat which earned gasps from the three enemies.

Chase quickly pulled himself up and ran under Butch's legs as he ran towards the other side of the boat, followed by a mini blast of fire from Butch. Chase quickly hopped out of the way and the fire instead burned the wood, causing the wood to go to a darker, burnt black color.

"Oy, careful!" Sid yelled and Butch glared at the Pirate.

"You do more of that and you'll torch this whole boat!" Sid told him and Butch only growled.

"So what? You're a pirate, if we just take this dog out, you'll have more than enough treasure to buy yourself a new one!" Butch argued.

"You think it's that easy to buy Pirate ships!?" Sid yelled.

"Well then stop pretending to be a Pirate!" Butch yelled.

"I'm not pretending!" Sid cried back and both teammates got into an argument while Chase just watched.

Well, they sure aren't a team. Like I'm the one to talk Chase thought and looked around the boat, trying to see if there was anything he could use to his advantage, but then looked back to where Butch burned the wood. Actually, that can be something useful Chase smiled and looked back and then saw that the two of them were still arguing.

But then he saw Arrby running up to him, trying to send an assault on the German Shepherd to which he quickly jumped to the side. Arrby tried to attack once again but Chase kept dodging him.

"Come on, are you gonna keep running, you coward?" Arrby tried to irritate the German Shepherd.

"Dude, I don't wanna fight you because I don't wanna improve your looks." Chase joked which irritated the dog even more.

"What did you say!?" He shouted.

"You won't believe me man, but there are things called mirrors. And believe me, mirrors don't lie, and lucky for you they don't laugh." Chase said once again while he felt heat intensify quicker and quicker to his left side and saw fire shooting right towards him again and Chase jumped, causing the fire to split Chase and Arrby.

The fire disappeared and both of them saw an angry Butch, frustrated that he didn't get the police pup once again.

"COME ON!" He now screamed.

"ARGH! WATCH IT! You almost hit Arrby!" Sid screamed this time and both looked at each other as if they were about to attack each other. Chase quickly used this as his chance and dashed towards Sid.

"Surprise!" Chase yelled out and Sid turned towards Chase, now seeing the police pup jump up and using all of his force on his feet, pushed Sid forward, causing to hit his back hard on the wooden fence of the boat and causing him to flip over and splash on the water.

"SID!" Arrby cried and was now more furious than ever and stared at Chase with fury in his eyes. Chase only responded with an unremorseful smirk.

"What are you gonna do now...coward?" Chase said, still having that smirk on his face and with letting out a cry, Arrby charged towards Chase, having nothing but one thought and that was revenge for what he did to his owner.

But right when Arrby was a few inches away, Chase quickly jumped to the side which terrified Arrby and Chase quickly wrapped his mouth around Arrby's leg, not pressing his teeth deep in, but still had a strong grip and with all of his might, he pulled Arrby over the fence and threw him overboard along with Sid.

"Two down, one to go." Chase said as he stared at Butch who watched the whole thing with wide eyes.

"Woah, that's brutal. Even for you." Butch said as he turned towards Chase who still had a smirk on his face.

"But I don't care, I'll still burn you to a crisp!" Butch declared and shot another blast towards Chase as he dodged, but Butch didn't stop as he kept sending blast after blast, and Chase having to dodge them all, running around the ship.

He needed to think of something fast and realized something as he stared at the burnt wood that Butch recently burned, and then he quickly used his pup-tag to call Zuma.

"Zuma! Are you there?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, dude, is everything okay?" Zuma asked in a worried tone.

"Everything's fine, what about you?" Chase asked, making sure to keep an eye on the two arguing teammates.

"Captain Turbot's safe. I'm just about to head back to you." Zuma stated.

"Hold on! Before you do, is there any cooking oil in the boxes inside the trailer?" Chase asked and was responded to by a few seconds of silence.

"I'm not suwe." Zuma replied.

"I need you to look around and see if there is any. If there is, come back to the Pirate ship with it as fast as you can!" Chase stated.

"Alright! Be careful, dude." Zuma said and Chase ended the call and stared at Butch with a smirk. Now this was a waiting game which all led up to Zuma.

"Now let's see how much heat this guy can take." 

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